View Full Version : Bladder shy, anybody got any tips how to overcome or improve?

11-01-11, 19:53
I am a 28 year old male and have had bladder shy problems for a long time now.
I'm not sure when it began exactly or why but I have problems peeing whenever somebody else is near.
If I'm at work or out anywhere I have to use a cubicle. Even at home, if I think my flat mate can hear me I have problems.
Can anyone PLEASE give me some advice on this matter?

12-01-11, 05:34
putting paper in the bowel helps minimize noise.
turn on the tap.
relax, you can train yourself to do this.
i put my fingers in my ears so i cant hear my self pee and pretend no one else can, i actually find this helps a lot in public bathrooms.
i hate being rushed or knowing people are waiting for me.

14-01-11, 11:25
Thanks Mishel =0)
Yeah I find it very difficult when I'm being rushed or have someone waiting.
It's odd but it's more of a problem at home.
When I'm drunk it seems to improve.
One thing that helps is thinking of my ex, though I realize that's not such a good thing.
I need to get down the doctors really, just got a hectic schedule atm.

15-01-11, 19:08
I remember as a child watching Ally MacBeal or how ever you spell it, she had a "bashful" bladder lol was the first time I realized I wasn't the only one .

10-03-13, 23:27
I've had this problem most of my adult life which made social events and generally being away from home quite difficult to say the least.
I find the shame and embarrassment i feel, hard to take at times as tho it makes me less of a man.

Currently six sessions into my CBT we haven't touched on it so i don't have high hopes about beating it.

10-03-13, 23:59
Ohhhhh I did my dissertation on this and got a first. :winks: ok no more bragging.

Seriously have u been to the GP about this? Are you shy about people hearing u seeing u pee or do you pee as a nervous reaction because your worrying about peeing soo much around people, or do you pee without warning making you worry (incontinence).


11-03-13, 00:04
Ohhhhh I did my dissertation on this and got a first. :winks: ok no more bragging.

Seriously have u been to the GP about this? Are you shy about people hearing u seeing u pee or do you pee as a nervous reaction because your worrying about peeing soo much around people, or do you pee without warning making you worry (incontinence).


^ This

Far from incontinence i just clamp up and can't go in public toilets :/
I had CBT for it before but with limited success as i was just going in public toilets at quiet times of the day.
Do you know if CBT can help or maybe some meds from the Doctor?


11-03-13, 19:38
Hi insight I think your problem seems to be more psychological then physiological. Yep I think perhaps CBT ask your GP.

It must be awful being like this and really uncomfortable.

Good luck

11-03-13, 20:27
Hi insight I think your problem seems to be more psychological then physiological. Yep I think perhaps CBT ask your GP.

It must be awful being like this and really uncomfortable.

Good luck

I'm already 5-6 sessions into CBT but although i told her how badly that has impacted on my life we haven't touched on it yet.

It is pretty grim how you can be so desperate to go but you just can't no matter how hard you try.


11-03-13, 22:26
Ahh didn't realise ur already having CBT hmmm back to the GP then, there could be an underlying medical issue after all. Your bladder detrouser muscle might not be relaxing in order to allow the urine to flow. Could infact be the opposite of incontinence. Could be neurological. Like a faulty wire, not relaying the signal properly. Bladder full, receptors pick up feeling of pressure, imput this feeling to brain, brain releases chemicals relaxing bladder giving sensation to pee.
Also I think this could be then making you anxious because your aware there's a problem, obviously but then your anxiety is making matters worse.

I really don't want to sound glum, just trying to think what could be going off.

Take care x

11-03-13, 23:34
Ahh didn't realise ur already having CBT hmmm back to the GP then, there could be an underlying medical issue after all. Your bladder detrouser muscle might not be relaxing in order to allow the urine to flow. Could infact be the opposite of incontinence. Could be neurological. Like a faulty wire, not relaying the signal properly. Bladder full, receptors pick up feeling of pressure, imput this feeling to brain, brain releases chemicals relaxing bladder giving sensation to pee.
Also I think this could be then making you anxious because your aware there's a problem, obviously but then your anxiety is making matters worse.

I really don't want to sound glum, just trying to think what could be going off.

Take care x

The funny thing is that i'd be fine if i had access to a private single loo when in public,just get anxious when i'm in busy toilets.
At home i have no trouble what so ever so it's doing something i consider private in the public arena that bothers me.

Thanks again,if the CBT doesn't touch it i might see if there are any meds i can get from a doctor that might help me relax since it totally ruins any social situations,not that i socialise anymore lol.

16-03-13, 08:18
I have never heard of that. I wish I had that problem at times. I can be the opposite if I don't take my medication. It use to be awful I felt like my bladder was very sensitive and contracted easily which made me want the toilet even when it wasn't full. It was a right pain but I have been on oxybutynin for over a year now and my bladder control has never been better. I can go on two or three hour car journeys and often don't have to stop at all for a toilet break.

Maybe there could be some medication that will help your problem. Sometimes medication can change your life in a good way so I definitely would explore your options.