View Full Version : anemia ?

11-01-11, 21:04
Hi, I've heard that anemia can cause many anxiety symptons, anyone else had any experience of this ??

11-01-11, 21:16
YES! I have very low iron and I talked to my Dr. about being breathless and what not all the time, she said it can totally happen when your body doesnt get the right amount of any kind of nutrients.

Iron delivers oxygen to the blood and without that we can feel run down, breathless, just over all crappy. Being a woman myself and dealing with womenly issues once a month can make anemia even worse, as we are losing blood. Try to take your iron pills (if you have them) and exercise regularly...easier said then done i know, believe me!!

Take care, Hugs

11-01-11, 21:24
Thanks for the reply, should a B12 supplement be taken with the iron ??

11-01-11, 21:33
It can be, they tend to go hand in hand, you should have your levels checked out by your dr. with a Full CBC Profile, then they can tell you exactly what you need and what mg. to take.

Iron tends to be a bit harsh on the stomach sometimes, so the lower the dose the better. It's always best to check with your Dr. about vitamins and minerals in the first place =)

I'm not a Dr.(I'm a vet tech, not really the same as a Dr. LOL) but I have had to take iron since I was about 16, I'm a vegetarian, so I tend to miss alot of my iron rich meats and whatnot.