View Full Version : Advice please

11-01-11, 22:43
Just wondered if any has advice about diazepam ,
I've got a pack of 5 mg for when I go on holiday I'm so scared to take them I don't wanna feel like a zombie , but I won't get on that plane without something . I'm really stressing about this .

Any advice please thankyou x nat x

11-01-11, 22:46

I did this a few years ago. I think I was told to take one a few hours before, and then just before I got on the plane. What did your doctor advise you? Or what does it say on the packet?

When I took them, I didn't have any side-effects at all. Obviously everyone's different, but I doubt if 5mg would make you feel too bad, if at all drowsy or groggy.

Where are you off to?

Have fun! x

11-01-11, 22:53
Gran canaria im kinda looking forward to it well trying anyway. I fly June so trying to prepare my self .

He said take 1 just bfor I get on the plane but it's the travel there aswell so I'm not sure to take one before I get in taxi ? And then 1 on plane ?

Is that going to be to much tho 10 mg x

11-01-11, 22:58
I honestly don't know, what does the packet say? If you're not sure, you've got a while til you go so you could go back to your doctor to check. x