View Full Version : How do you know it's plain anxiety/depression or fybromyalgia ?

12-01-11, 01:08
I read a very interesting thread where I learned that having the vertebrae out would create a firing of the nerves that cause a "fight or flight" reaction, that the body and mind interpret as an intense threat. I later researched about fibromyalgia, is anyone knowledgeable on this topic ? I'm considering the possibility.:unsure: The symptoms are shockingly similar.

12-01-11, 13:06
Yes, my Mam has fibromyalgia.

First of all, the illness is controversial. Like CFS, there is some suggestion that it could be psychosomatic, by which I DO NOT mean imagined, but the result of a prolonged period of depression and anxiety (my Mam had suffered for 40 years before she developed fibromyalgia). This isn't the only theory, though. They really don't know what it is. To be honest, both me and my Mam have researched the illness thoroughly to try and help her and haven't seen anything to do with vertebrae in connection to it.

From what I can tell from my Mam's problems, the difference between anxiety symptoms and fibromyalgia is that the latter causes very extreme pain and exhaustion as well as migraines. My Mam's actually on tramadol to manage the symptoms, although she's not allowed to take this often due to it being an opiate.

The main theory around fibromyalgia seems to be that there is a problem with the body's "feedback loop". When we are injured, a message goes to our brain to tell us so and the mind produces the sensation of pain. (Interestingly, it is possible to operate on people under hypnosis if they are unable to tolerate anaesthetic) In fibromyalgia, it is thought that the brain continues to produce the sensation of pain despite the fact there is no injury.

Where was the thread? Fight or flight is caused by adrenaline and cortisol isn't it? I didn't realise damage to the nervous system itself could have a similar effect.

By the way, if you're suffering from fibromyalgia, my Mam has found that (counter-intuitively) exercise is very helpful. She said swimming was brilliant for managing the symptoms.

13-01-11, 00:26
There are 3 basic factors characterising fibromyalgia:

Pain - usually global but also regional
Sleep disorder - insomnia, hypersomnia, disrupted sleep patterns/unrefreshing sleep
Mood disorder - depression, anxiety, panic etc

I don't quite understand your question in relation to the vertebrae although there are some theories that come from the US that the chiari malformation causes fibromyalgia which I question personally.

I suffer with fibromyalgia and have all the aforementioned factors present.