View Full Version : hpv in men :O

12-01-11, 01:40
watching that thing on bbc three 'is oral sex safe' i didnt know men could get it now iv got all funny and now i might have it cuz i have a sore throat :/ didnt expect all this on this program any help, suposadly litraly every1 will or has got it and its very common and your body fights it off on its own but 1 in 10 dont, and men r 5 times more likely to get hpv that women, thanks for the jab N.H.S (not) pr**s

12-01-11, 21:41
it can cause oral cancer being like you said cervical, mouth and throat and anal, and gay men being twice as likely to get it.. glad im not a batty lol hence why i wrote on here, so its just as worring for men than it is for women.

12-01-11, 22:20
Well HPV is a sexually transmitted disease, so women have to get it from someone - so it's quite obvious that men do get it in order for it to be passed on. My understanding is that is causes no problems for men (otherwise you'd be offered the jab too), but for women can cause cervical cancer. So it's far more worrying for women.

What a very sexist point of view.

Sexualy tramsmitted diseases effect ALL walks of life.

To say women have to get it from a man is so wrong. A man can sleep with a woman who has it then it passes back to her next partner and so on.

All sexualy transmitted diseases effect both sexes and when all is said and done, it does takes two to tango.

Male/females should always take precausions until medical advise proves it is not nesessary.


12-01-11, 22:26
it can cause oral cancer being like you said cervical, mouth and throat and anal, and gay men being twice as likely to get it.. glad im not a batty lol hence why i wrote on here, so its just as worring for men than it is for women.

And as for the 'Batty' statement, what exactly do you mean? That could mean so many offensive things on here so please elaborate!

12-01-11, 22:38
batty meaning gay, wasnt ment in a offensive way i have a gay friend.

12-01-11, 22:44
That type of slang can offend many members so please try to stick to the proper context.

12-01-11, 23:24
Well HPV is a sexually transmitted disease, so women have to get it from someone - so it's quite obvious that men do get it in order for it to be passed on. My understanding is that is causes no problems for men (otherwise you'd be offered the jab too), but for women can cause cervical cancer. So it's far more worrying for women.

Dahlia it did say on that programme that shaggyowen watched that it does cause problems for men as in oral cancer. I watched it also and it showed a man who got cancer through giving his wife oral. So although worrying for women its also worrying for men to.

mandie x

12-01-11, 23:39
sorry :/... and yeh i didnt know ANYTHING about it, i litraly only though women got it and caused then cervical cancer, so it was a real suprise to me to hear that it sereusly effects men too and that if my self and other men wanted to get the jab done it would cost £300 i know you cant put a price on your health but how can the government justify giveing the jab to girls and not boiys :/

12-01-11, 23:59
go on bbc i player and its on bbc33 called 'is oral sex safe' =]

13-01-11, 13:27
This is something I have worried about and found out quite a lot about. The situation is that researchers believe that HPV( transmitted through oral sex) can give both men and women a higher risk of throat cancer. It tends to be oro pharyengeal, that is cancer of the back of the throat and the tonsils (mainly). They don't know for sure what is going on, but suspect HPV as oral cancer rates have risen in the west, amongst people who don't, for example, drink or smoke to excess.
So it's a worry but as with all these things you need to keep perspective - oral sex is pretty common but oral cancer is still pretty rare.
Maybe they will bring in the HPV vaccine for boys, I think they are taking a wait and see approach. The fact that we aren't seeing public health messages about oral sex everywhere means that the risk for most people is pretty low.
The press love this story for obvious reasons (Oral sex cancer scare!) but the statistics are still pretty low. Something to be aware of though. And not to obsess about!

21-01-11, 02:21
Since i have watched this. I am convinced i have throat cancer...my throat hurts! So this had led massive panic! I think the point of girls being done..is in someone to do with "eventually" if the women are vaccinated..then they wont catch it so the men wont be able to then catch it if that makes sense...personally it looks abit like they are more looking to cut down on HPV in future generations..more than us older ones. (this is just how it came across to me) im unsure if i have the virus. I was recently diagnosed with C.I.N 2 and had my abnormal cells removed from my cervix but google says HPV is pretty much the cause for those cells. In my opinion HPV is ignored and over looked when it can be potentially dangerous! The programme was still not very up forward with information i was SHOCKED to see one of the qualified peoples attitude like..

Oh well!!..everyone gets it at some point in there life..

It was like WHAAAAAAAAAAT!! Its like they are making it sound like its alright.

There is or at least was no test for men..when i looked into it previously. So i guess it is always a gamble. But this HAS effected me..i have actually been on google all night just to see how common it is and the chances of throat cancer etc. IT SCARES ME.