View Full Version : Very odd and very worried.

12-01-11, 02:29
For the last few days i have been experiencing... some weird chest pains and the sensation that something is stuck in my throat.... sometimes i get a very sharp pain under my left armpit also!

but defiantly feels like there is a lump in my throat when i swallow or when i dont....

also burping seems to relieve it for a few minutes...

i felt like i as having a heart attack earlier as the chest pains were pretty bad

has anyone else had this? Please share!

12-01-11, 03:13
Hi Ya

I have had exact same thing many times and I put it down to indigestion or wind!! It always goes away, but the more you think about it, the more you feel it. I usually chew on a couple of rennies.
Try not to worry (I know easier said than done).


12-01-11, 05:27
do you suffer from acid reflux?
i had it bad one day and developed a bad sensation of something being stuck in my throat.
it does sound like reflux as that can cause chest pain too

12-01-11, 12:57
acid reflux/indigestion is my bet.

12-01-11, 22:23
also hve a very strong fluttering feeling and palpitations.....

12-01-11, 22:42
Ok well palpitations are harmless enough. Have you been diagnosed as having them?

13-01-11, 08:15
I had really bad acid reflux after christmas and had every symptom you are describing. The worst symptom for me was that I had loads of ectopics, the worst type for me too, the ones that are so uncomfortable they are almost painful. I chewed loads of gaviscon and after a week the symptoms have eased. I found loads of info on here about the link between acid reflux and ectopics xx