View Full Version : Struggling with panic attacks and anxiety

hamster lady
12-01-11, 09:38
I joined the forum back in a few months ago because I began to have panic attacks and terrible anxiety. I had a stressful time over the summer with my rescue dog's behaviour and then one night I woke up from a nightmare sweating and with my heart racing like mad. It was absolutely terrifying and I thought I was having a heart attack. This kept happening and I kept waking up with my heart racing, sweating and having terrible nightmare. I got myself into a real state and began to get panic attacks during the day and feelings of agarophobia. I struggled on for a few weeks and then eventually went to the doctors and told her about my sweating and heart racing at night and that this had led to panic attacks. She said that she thought my problems were caused by anxiety. She listened to my heart and said that it was a bit fast but sounded normal. She arranged for blood tests to check for things like thyroid and I had an ECG. My results were thankfully all normal and I felt fantastic and my panic attacks started to go off and I was also starting to sleep a bit better.

Unfortunately my feeling better didn't last as my son has been very poorly and I have been extremely stressed and worried about him. He had flu back in November and didn't get better properly from it. I have been backwards and forwards to the doctors and hospital with him and the Paediatrician thinks that he is suffering from chronic fatigue syndrome. It has been so stressful seeing my usually active son become exhausted and can hardly walk any where. The stress of his illness has caused my panic attacks and anxiety to return. I dread going to bed because I keep having nightmares and waking up with my heart racing. I try my best to relax but it is very difficult to distract myself at night and all I do is just listen to my heart pounding away and panicking. It is very rare that I have a good night's sleep. I have sometimes wondered whether the feeling hot and sweating at night could possibly be due to Permenopausal symptoms as I am 39. I also have feelings of agarophobia due to fear of having a panic attack when out, I have a dog to walk and I want to enjoy walking her without fearing a panic attack!

I am now terrified that I have damaged my heart because of my anxiety and the fact that it has been racing and pounding due to my anxiety since August and I'm scared that I'm going to end up having a heart attack or stroke. My doctor did mention me taking Propanolol to stop my heart racing but I am nervous about taking medication, I normally like to take natural remedies. I have been having hot milk and Quiet Life tablets at night and avoiding alchohol. I have the Dr Claire Weekes book 'Self Help for Your Nerves' and I have been reading that which always makes me feel a bit better.

I just need to get over this hell as I really need to concentrate on my son at the moment. I have thought about going back to the doctors but it is difficult for me to get out now due to my son being poorly. Have any of you guys been through similar symptoms to me and come out the other side of it? Luckily my husband is being very supportive and keeps telling me that I am just suffering from anxiety. Any help and advice would be most appreciated. (Sorry for the long post)

anx mum
12-01-11, 09:44
I joined the forum back in a few months ago because I began to have panic attacks and terrible anxiety. I had a stressful time over the summer with my rescue dog's behaviour and then one night I woke up from a nightmare sweating and with my heart racing like mad. It was absolutely terrifying and I thought I was having a heart attack. This kept happening and I kept waking up with my heart racing, sweating and having terrible nightmare. I got myself into a real state and began to get panic attacks during the day and feelings of agarophobia. I struggled on for a few weeks and then eventually went to the doctors and told her about my sweating and heart racing at night and that this had led to panic attacks. She said that she thought my problems were caused by anxiety. She listened to my heart and said that it was a bit fast but sounded normal. She arranged for blood tests to check for things like thyroid and I had an ECG. My results were thankfully all normal and I felt fantastic and my panic attacks started to go off and I was also starting to sleep a bit better.

Unfortunately my feeling better didn't last as my son has been very poorly and I have been extremely stressed and worried about him. He had flu back in November and didn't get better properly from it. I have been backwards and forwards to the doctors and hospital with him and the Paediatrician thinks that he is suffering from chronic fatigue syndrome. It has been so stressful seeing my usually active son become exhausted and can hardly walk any where. The stress of his illness has caused my panic attacks and anxiety to return. I dread going to bed because I keep having nightmares and waking up with my heart racing. I try my best to relax but it is very difficult to distract myself at night and all I do is just listen to my heart pounding away and panicking. It is very rare that I have a good night's sleep. I have sometimes wondered whether the feeling hot and sweating at night could possibly be due to Permenopausal symptoms as I am 39. I also have feelings of agarophobia due to fear of having a panic attack when out, I have a dog to walk and I want to enjoy walking her without fearing a panic attack!

I am now terrified that I have damaged my heart because of my anxiety and the fact that it has been racing and pounding due to my anxiety since August and I'm scared that I'm going to end up having a heart attack or stroke. My doctor did mention me taking Propanolol to stop my heart racing but I am nervous about taking medication, I normally like to take natural remedies. I have been having hot milk and Quiet Life tablets at night and avoiding alchohol. I have the Dr Claire Weekes book 'Self Help for Your Nerves' and I have been reading that which always makes me feel a bit better.

I just need to get over this hell as I really need to concentrate on my son at the moment. I have thought about going back to the doctors but it is difficult for me to get out now due to my son being poorly. Have any of you guys been through similar symptoms to me and come out the other side of it? Luckily my husband is being very supportive and keeps telling me that I am just suffering from anxiety. Any help and advice would be most appreciated. (Sorry for the long post)

Ah hun:bighug1:this is hell i too im suffering from anxiety and panic attacks like u im not sleeping fast pulse and the worse symptom cant breath which scares me this is a living hell just wanna b well.

hamster lady
12-01-11, 15:06
Thanks anx mum. I'm really sorry to hear that you are having a difficult time with panic attacks and anxiety too, it sure is an awful thing to go through. I am so glad that I have found this forum though as it is very comforting to know that you are not the only one going though the hell that is anxiety and panic attacks.
I really hope that you feel better soon.:flowers:

anx mum
12-01-11, 15:09
Thanks anx mum. I'm really sorry to hear that you are having a difficult time with panic attacks and anxiety too, it sure is an awful thing to go through. I am so glad that I have found this forum though as it is very comforting to know that you are not the only one going though the hell that is anxiety and panic attacks.
I really hope that you feel better soon.:flowers:

Had another bad day today. How u doing? R u on any meds?

12-01-11, 23:00

I just wanted to let you know that you don't need to worry about damaging your heart through anxiety. It's not possible. I have worried about that myself, as I have anxiety and panic attacks and sometimes my heart will be jogging along at 100 or more for full days, and i know it's uncomfortable and puts you on edge but it really won't do you any harm.

Do you know what your resting pulse rate is? Don't forget that a normal resting heart rate is 60-100, so if your usual rate is 70 but when you're anxious it stays up around 100, then it will feel like it's going very fast when in actual fact it is still within the normal range. (If that makes sense!)

I too have been prescribed propranolol 10mg for anxiety, and I don't like to take them but I have done in the past and they did work very well. I have been told by my GP and a cardiologist that propranolol is a VERY safe drug.

If you have 'the book' (I have it too, it's fantastic!) then you know the way to deal with your anxiety. it's just putting it in place that's the difficult bit. I would also buy the book 'Panic Attacks' by Christine Ingham - it's another brilliant book written by a fellow PA sufferer, and is very reassuring to read. I carry it around in my handbag with me!

Hope you feel better soon :D

13-01-11, 18:38
i am in the middle of suffering a breakdown with terrible anxiety and black periods of depression. i am only a slight build and on 80mg propranalol a day plus prozac (gp just doubled dose) plus a sleeping pill plus diazapam when needed - i like to go natural too but sometimes we need conventional medicine to give us a hand through times like this. in fact - if i had gone down the conventional route a lot sooner i don't think i would have ended in this state lol!

natural does not always mean safer either and things like aspirin are natural in origin. i would not worry at all about taking propranalol - i have been on it for months at a time before x