View Full Version : vaginal passary for prolapse

12-01-11, 10:47
Hi has anyone had a vaginal pessary fitted round the neck of the womb to rectify a mild prolapse ive just had one fitted and would like some info and success stories hopefuly x

12-01-11, 13:09
My 82 yr old aunty has had one of these for past 4 years as she does not want to have an operation at her age. She said the fitting is fine other than a 12 yr old good looking male Dr doing it!!!!!!!!!! She has to have a new one fitted every 4 months. She did at first have a few vaginal infections from it but they settled down once her body got used to it and she is fine. She did say some Drs are better at fitting it than others but if she feels its not right she just goes back and has it fitted again. Its certainly saving her from having a op at her age.
One funny thing about the young male Dr she sometimes get she said she has lost all her body hair almost due to old age and she said she dreaded to think what the young Dr thought as it looks as if she has been completely waxed you know where - at her age!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

12-01-11, 14:33
the thing thats bothering me countrygirl is the fact that its older people that have them fitted lol and im only 44 did your aunt say she was aware that it was in because i dont know if its in my mind but i think i can feel it and the story about the no hair down below and it looked like she had been waxed thats made me giggle thanks for that lol x

12-01-11, 17:30
Glad I made you laugh - yes my aunty says that sometimes depending on who has fitted it she can feel it - I think a couple of times she was so uncomfortable that she went back and had it refitted but she did say that she got used to it but it took time. Next time I speak to her I will ask her how its going as I speak to her every week. Her prolapse was quite bad and had she been your age she would have had a vaginal hysterectomy ( much easier than an abdominal one) but because of her age and she is terrified of hospitals she asked to try the ring first and has stuck with it.

12-01-11, 18:53
thankyou countrygirl for your reply and making me laugh any more info would be great thanks:yesyes: x