View Full Version : man question about thrush

12-01-11, 10:53
i have had itching on my foreskin for a week now, there are no spots or dots on the actual penis, but when i pull the foreskin back it is a littel red and itchy. i have put some of the missus canestan cream on which eases the itch, but it does not seen to go away! any help please?

12-01-11, 11:00
Hiya ... if I have thrush, the cream reduces the symptoms temporarily but doesn't fix the problem. The Canesten website recommends seeing a doc if it is the first time you have had what you think might be thrush. Hope this helps.

12-01-11, 11:13
I had this many many years ago. I can't remember if I saw the Doctor or not but I done the same as you and used the Canestan.

At that time, my then wife and I never used any protection (let's face it, we all do it) so whatever it was, we were probably just passing it back and forth.

One thing I did notice was that using a condom made it worse when it did itch. Also, soap was an irritant. Try Aqueous Cream.

In the end, it got so annoying it used to drive me made. One day when home alone, I decided I'd had enough and thought it a good idea to soak 'Mr Wiggly' in a small glass of TCP (bloody idiot)! Sadly, my wife returned home with her Mother unbeknown to me and I was left trying to explain why I was sitting with my **** in a glass of what was presumed to be whiskey!

Needless to say, stick with the Canestan. The only advantage of my TCP episode was using the same glass to give my mother in law a Christmas drink that year!!!

I never did like her anyway!!


12-01-11, 11:20
OMG Horse!!

This day started in a very bloody annoying fashion and then I just read your post..hubby just called up to find out what I was laughing at! :roflmao:

Thank you very much..you have just lifted my day :yesyes:

paula lynne
12-01-11, 11:52
Oh Horse that is HILARIOUS!! That image will be with me a very long time...:yahoo:

12-01-11, 12:32
Whenever I go to my GP complaining about constant yeast infections , he always tells me to get my bf to treat himself with the canesten cream too, and all over the penis, not just under the foreskin, AND to continue for a week. When he's lazy about the week timeline we definately continue to pass it back and forth, which is not fun at all! You can try that if you cant see your GP right away. Good luck!

12-01-11, 13:04
Well I have dried my eyes and stopped laughing at Horses post so seriously my husband is diabetic and if his blood sugar gets too high for a week or so about once a year he gets thrush. He has to continue to use the cream for 10 days AFTER the symptoms have gone. He gets what looks like little splits in the skin as well as the itching.

If its the first time you have ever had it then I would advice a Dr visit to rule out diabetes ( being that you don't already have it of course) as this can be one of the first signs of high sugar.

Just keep away from the TCP:D:D:D

12-01-11, 13:07
One 'small' point to add.

The glass was a miniature and not a tumbler, sadly!

12-01-11, 13:11
All the comments horse going through my mind reading your last post I could not possible say on here I would be banned!:):)

How miniature??????????

12-01-11, 13:27
Horsey, I hope it wasn't what young people these days would refer to as a shot glass :blush:

12-01-11, 13:29
I didn't like to say that as that was the image I had in my mind as well!

12-01-11, 14:20
I think I will remain silent as I run the risk of losing what little dignity I had left after my Colonoscopy, which brings me back to my Mother in Law again.

12-01-11, 17:32
Sorry to hijack this thread but horse please please tell us about your colonosocpy as I just know we will be rolling around laughing - having had the wondeful experience myself a couple of years ago I can really appreciate the dignity bit. Be thankful your not a woman who are subjected to hysteroscopies at least they can't shove a camera there with you!

12-01-11, 17:42
Yes, Horsey lol. Having been through pregnancy and childbirth three times ... what's dignity :huh:

12-01-11, 22:57
Not wishing to hijack poor Saintdee's post, I shall try and find my post re; Colonoscopy that I posted back in Sept. Once I learn how to copy and post.

12-01-11, 23:02
Right click over the title of your post, press copy, then position your cursor where you want it, left click press paste and away you go.

12-01-11, 23:07
I have just found it and sadly it is not as long as I thought (which is the story of my life)!
However, I shall endevour to tell the story in a new post, which I will post tomorrow if I can. So watch this space.

paula lynne
12-01-11, 23:22
Im getting my popcorn and M&Ms ready for that Horse, and a front row seat :winks: