View Full Version : Am I to late?

12-01-11, 12:28
:unsure: For the last few years, i've done nothing with my life i spend most of my time in my bedroom so i hardly ever EXERCISE! (only getting up to the kitchen or bathroom is mostly my exercise) :weep: I'm never in the mood for anything. I'm so fussy!, I'm always feeling down most days, i can't do anything on my own such as going somewhere...my health feels ruined i'm scared!, i want to exercise and change my health but i don't know if it would make a difference..my heart is probably already ruined with lack of exercise and bad eating.........am i to late? :unsure:

12-01-11, 12:52
It is never too late to get back into exercise !

It is main thing that I can do to help my heart after having had a heart attack.

12-01-11, 12:53
I'm sure it's never too late to start taking better care of yourself Unconnected. It's good that you're thinking of giving it a go and I'm sure you would feel the benefits x

12-01-11, 13:00
As long as you are sensible and start getting more exercise slowly and building up you will be fine - if you suddenly started going for a 5 mile run every day then you are taking a risk depending on how old you are ( I know a Dr who said that the most dangerous thing a middle aged overweight couch potato man could do was to suddenly start vigorous execsie!)but if you are not a middle aged overweight couch potato man then just be sensible.

Try having a short walk every day and building up how far you walk over a few weeks - def no harm in that only do you good.

12-01-11, 14:57
Thanks guys!, i know it isn't much but i was on my kinect first time since 2 weeks or about that and i was using your shape and zumba for a while it got me moving and i also had water so i'm feeling alot better now! xx

12-01-11, 16:16
Never to late to exercise regardless of age/health/fitness. My advice, from someone who has always played sport and exercised, is to see your GP and tell him/her your intensions. Most GP’s can and will refer you to a gym on the NHS if they think it will benefit you, if they won’t refer you then they will at least give you relevant info to pas to a gym instructor who in turn will get you to complete a PAR-Q questionnaire and then from the combined info they will work out a programme specific to your needs and disposition. You really, in my opinion, need to go to a gym that will offer this. As Countrygirl quite rightly pointed out steaming headlong into a crash session at a gym will do more harm than good.