View Full Version : do any of you feel emotional yet feel to angry to cry

12-01-11, 12:31
just wondering if any of you ever feel so emotional with all the anxiety and
stuff yet feel way to angry at stuff to cry i use to get like this but then after a good cry felt a little better now i just feel its there in my chest and throat but i just cant cry always feel angry at being this way for so long and then there is agarphobia as well i stopped getting dressed at all as never see the point i aint goin no were wich when i see my daughters going shopping my heart wants to go but my head wont let me leaving me feeling emotional then angry sorry if this all sounds a bit mixed up but thats just how i feel mixed up take care all lv trish

eternally optimistic
12-01-11, 12:45
Hi Trish

What you explain is exactly how I feel.

Not so much angry but completely and utterly unable to cry.

My GP recently asked me if I cried, and I never do.

Although, before xmas when my anxiety was creeping back I did cry.

But, since being on tabs although quite anxious I am sort of controlled with emotions which isnt good at all. That contradicts itsself, but you may understand.


12-01-11, 13:19
yeah i do and thanks was beging to think i had yet another fear or somthing to add to my never ending list take care lv trish xx