View Full Version : Had a total mental meltdown...

12-01-11, 13:26
I was depressed and angry because I didn't appreciate my parents lack of concern towards my emotional health, all they cared about was school, I couldn't tolerate their incompetence anymore, so I yelled and went to my room and started crying....I literally felt my brain burning inside my skull...the pain was intense, my nerves were all burning, my eyeball was in pain, this feeling prolonged til I hit derealization. I currently feel worthless and exhausted....

12-01-11, 14:35
Chris, u r defanetely not worthless, u r just feeling very tense and uptight and emotionally vulnerable at the moment, these feelings will pass. Ur brain would not have been burning, but sometimes it can feel like burning when we're so worked up and have a lot of tension and pressure.

Once ur feeling calmer, would u be able 2 talk 2 ur parents? Do u have a counsellor or anyone that u could talk 2?