View Full Version : What is WRONG with me?? Please help

12-01-11, 13:41

My name is Paula I am 25. I have 2 young sons aged 1 and 2.

For as long as I can remember I have worried about mu health. maybe from the age of 8 or 9.

The past few years it has got a lot worse. I am contantly dizzy, feel like everything is not REAL ( if u can understand that)

I have had flickering vision, trailers, long after images for the past 12 months which convinced me I have a brain tumor. I seen an eye doctor at the hospital last march he said my eyes are perfect and i do not have a brain tumor. He even offered to put this in writing! YET my symptoms are still with me and I can not believe what the doctor says. I have muscle twitches - I also think I have ALS, MS or some other neuro problem.

I cannot enjoy my life as its all i think about! On top of this I constantly check my body for lumps. I do the finger to nose medical routine at least 10 times a day as well of a number of others inc standing on one leg touching my nose. Its getting beyond a joke.

I also think I have stomach cancer liver cancer.

I take citralopram 20mg, has helped slightly. I am addicted to solphadeine, the first 2 solphadeine of the day are most important, is this OCD??

Am I a freak??

I want to enjoy my sons instead of thinking they are going to end up without a Mummy. Please help me

Paula :weep:

12-01-11, 13:47
Firstly, have you had any help with the addiction? If not, you need to seek some help with that.

As for everything else. Not sure if it counts as OCD (but I'm not a doctor and if your doctor doesn't know about the checking, make sure you tell him/her) but the symptoms you complain of can all be caused by anxiety so you have no reason to worry.

I don't suffer with very bad health anxiety, only have the odd occasional worry, so I'm not sure I can help much more than this.

Hope you start feeling better soon and WELCOME TO THE FORUMS! :)

12-01-11, 14:09
thank you very much for quick reply!

is there anything i can do to help the way i am? i'm always at the doctors. have u heard of vision problems before with anxiety?:winks:

paula x

12-01-11, 14:14
Hi Paula :welcome:. See if you find this article (from the left of the page) any help: http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/articles/healthanxiety/

12-01-11, 14:21
thanks will read it now x:)

paula lynne
12-01-11, 16:47
Hi Paula, a belated welcome x
I get blurred vision a lot with my anxiety, also migraines too. Its not a bundle of laughs but its more common than you think. I think you obviously need help with your health anxiety, and you will get lots of support and advice here. Its good to know you.:welcome:Ps.....what a great name you have..:winks:Love Paula..(aka Nessa) x

12-01-11, 17:17
Thanks Paula! luvin the name! ha ha.

Yes I do need help I know I do, Doctors dont seem that bothered tho, However I have changed back to my old doctors that i grew up with. So hope he will help me somehow. Nobody understands how hard and frustrating this all is. My mother in law once said I do this for attention, I wouldnt wish this on anyone, you cant function your day to day life or enjoy it for fear you find out u have cancer, ms, als etc. Paula xx

12-01-11, 17:56
When I was 18 I convinced myself that I had vision problems, I had floaters and all sorts of odd visual effects - ranging from large white/transparent 'dots' to blurring. I had a full range of tests - as you will imagine - nothing wrong at all. The fact was that those floaters are normal for many many people, most people don't 'see' them, but as our minds are so sensitised to every little thing about our bodies, we notice them and they become important. Nowadays if I get stressed I can start noticing those 'strings' and 'floating shapes' in my vision, and literally start focusing ON them and seeing them all the time. As soon as I forget about them, I stop seeing them. As for the blurring, yes, that is an anxiety symptom which I get myself often ! ope this helps a bit ?

12-01-11, 18:41
Hi Paula,

Glad you've found the forum. It has really helped me feel better over the last week or so.

Another good resource on the website is here http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/articles/symptoms/

I found that really useful because I really didn't believe that all my physical symptoms could be caused by anxiety. This article lists lots of symptoms and how they are caused by anxiety. I think realising that your symptoms probably aren't caused by an underlying illness can help you become less anxious about them.

As for your doctor, if they aren't helping, get another one. And perhaps change tack a little. Instead of saying I think I have cancer, or whatever, say I think I have health anxiety and that's making me very anxious that I might have cancer. A decent doctor will be able to refer you for CBT, which should help with the HA, and should also be patient about trying to allay your worries about particular symptoms.

22-01-11, 14:22
Hi paula,

I had to reply, it was like reading about myself. i also have two sons aged 1 & 2. i suffer with bad health anxiety. I vowed this year i am going to cure myself. i have had a tough few weeks. I dont really have much advice to give as im feeling the same. I get a weird blurred vision thing too. not so much blurred but i cant focus properly or soemthingo get a tingly feeling all over my forehead and scalp. it scares me so much. i always think i have a tumour too. i have just started CBT. i onyl started last week so have not really felt the affect of it yet. I also take Rescue remedy which helps alot.

I was also recommended a book called 'complete help with your nerves' by Dr. Claire weekes. I have just started it, i will let you knwo how i get on. , i als