View Full Version : exhaustion - rest or carry on?

cathy s
12-01-11, 15:56

We all know that anxiety and depression brings about exhaustion. The question is; do we rest or carry on? Push ourselves to face fears or avoid things just for now? I'm on the third week of citalopram and am still feeling pretty wiped out. I have a presentation tomorrow and have gone back a few steps because of the anxiety it's causing. Should I just do it or be kind to myself and ask for an extension?

Any advice would be gratefully received!


12-01-11, 16:12
Hi, I think it just depends how bad you feel ie how much stress you think it would cause by going ahead with it as opposed to not doing it and taking some time off work. Also it will have to do with how the Citalopram is working and whether you are experiencing any other side effects due to it. Good luck if you decide to go ahead with it, but don't feel bad if you have to cancel doing it.

cathy s
12-01-11, 16:16
Thank you for your quick reply LucyR. I have spoken to my teacher (it was a college presentation) who is very supportive and I have other options, but I will aim to do it and see how it goes!

12-01-11, 16:17
Hi Cathy

Difficult question you have asked but seeing as you asked for opinions..:winks:

I would actually go ahead and do the presentation. I know it's exhausting with any kind of anxiety but we kind of fool ourselves into thinking that we need to rest our minds and recuperate.

What tends to happen is that we initially feel relief, then guilt, then heightened anxiety as we realise we still have to do the task in hand at a future date.

I have been advised to take things slowly before myself and I have also given the same advice but feel I'm now a wee bit wiser..this is only my opinion though. :)

You would also have the added advantage that you have gone ahead and done something (try not to think of it as pushing through your fears, it only adds to the anticipation nerves) while in a nervy condition.

The feeling you get aftewards is good. :yesyes:

Whatever you decide to do is the right thing for you and I wish you well. If you can't manage it, there is always another time. :flowers:

cathy s
12-01-11, 16:23
Thanks ladybird64. I think you are absolutely right. I will try to go for it!

12-01-11, 16:35
Hi, I have had a further think about this and agree that if you are fit you should go ahead, as its just like postponing anything, you still have to do it at some point and will feel that pressure still on your shoulders, besides it will be over and done with before you know it!

cathy s
13-01-11, 19:10
I did it! Once I was properly prepaired I felt better and it wasn't as bad as I expected. Thank you for your support!

13-01-11, 20:22
Oh very well done!! Im sure it wasn't so bad as you expected once you got your mind off the actual anxiety.

13-01-11, 21:04
I'm late to the party, but kudos to you Cathy for moving forward and doing the presentation. I also suffer with anxiety and depression and understand the fatigue that is often part and parcel of the experience. It can make tasks seem insurmountable, even when we know that they are within our ability to manage. So good for you for pushing the exhaustion to one side and not letting it stop you.

Today has been one of those days when getting through my work was about as easy as extracting teeth from the mouth of a live shark, simply because all I wanted to do was lay down and take a nap. But somehow I managed to muddle through - we can't let anxiety and depression rob us of the gift of living!

Of course, now that I'm done for the day, I think I will treat myself to a short nap. :)

cathy s
14-01-11, 09:14
Thank you guys!

I really appreciate the support! It makes all the difference!

Hope you enjoyed your well earned rest mtatum4496!

Cathy X

14-01-11, 11:55
I don't know how I didn't see this Cathy but a belated congratulations! :yesyes:

cathy s
15-01-11, 17:30
Thank you Ladybird!