View Full Version : Flickering vision/ tracers/ afterimages

12-01-11, 16:14

Does anyone suffer with flickering vision/ floaters/ tracers/ long after images?

I have had all these for over a year now. see a doctor he said my eyes are perfect? why wont this go away??

Is it a neuro problem? Would the eye specialist have sent me to a neuro if he thought something was wrong??

Please help me. Paula xx

12-01-11, 16:16
by flickering vision I mean everything seems to shimmer. constantly. and old crt screens drive me nuts!!

12-01-11, 16:35
hey hun i have everything u just mention....ive been sceard to death that i will go blind,,,,if u need to talk pm me hun k

12-01-11, 16:42
so I'm not the only one!! phew!! My doctor says there is nothing wronng and specialist eye doctor said that also?? They wont give me a mri as they feel no need to. The flickering is worse on white walls and corners seem to shimmer like heat is lifting? does that make scense? do u have problems with crt and flurescent lights?


12-01-11, 23:32
hun u sound just like me ive been going threw this bad for 5 days and its causeing me to have bad pa

12-01-11, 23:34
I have those with migraine, have not had for a couple of years.

13-01-11, 01:24
I get this too, my eye doctor says it can be from being near sighted or from your eyes being tired (likely from me staring at a computer screen all day) I don't thinks it's anything to be worried about, my doctor is pretty good with things like this. But it is strange and scary when it happens though.

13-01-11, 02:07
same i thought i had something wrong with my eyes and got them tested last week and i have just better than 20-20 vision so was well happy with that =]

13-01-11, 10:38
Hi Paula,

I have the EXACT same complaint as you, although I have only been to a Specsavers Optician and seen the doctor, both of which think I am fine.

I started a thread about this complaint yesterday but had no replies so thought I was the only one with this complaint: http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=88406

The worst part is, I am obsessed with my vision right now and when I sit in my office I keep getting flashes, spots, that shimmer as if heat is radiating from the walls (I also get this a lot in dull lights). I think our mind can play tricks on us when we are aware of these complaints and you may see the 'spots' right after thinking about seeing a spot.

Do you feel dizzy/vertigo at times too or is it just the visual problems? I find that when I worry about my vision it makes me light headed and dizzy.

Hang in there!

13-01-11, 11:41
Yes I suffer with vertigo too, touch wood I have not had an attack for nearly 12 months! by attack I mean the vertigo last for weeks!! last time it was 8 weeks!! thats when all this started!! I do very often go lightheaded.

How are you will anything thats patterned? and what about old tv screens do they flicker?

Also LED lights on cars or clocks flicker like mad

Best Wishes Paula xx

13-01-11, 20:42
I get the same symptoms, on white walls, bright lights, on dull days and in bright sunlight and I do find computer screens a problem at times, I have to have blinds down in my office, sometimes even in winter! I have been told it's vitriol degeneration (spelling may not be correct). The eye specialist said you can learn to see 'through' them - but I haven't yet!! They still worry me but then everything does! Good to hear that there are others out there with the same thing :)

13-01-11, 22:18
I get these alot in my vision, usually when I go to bed if I stare at the wall an orange/red blob appears. I've never noticed this before, only in the last few months. I'm glad someone above mentioned eye strain/computer screens - the problem did actually go away over Christmas when I wasn't at my desk all day. Maybe it is just eye strain as the blob has returned this last week.

I've been thinking all the usual suspects - tumor/neuro, but I've seen my Dr who says there is nothing neurologically wrong with me (I don't believe him of course!) and my optician said apart from being short sighted my eyes were fine (I don't believe him either...).

I hardly notice the floaters so much anymore, I used to worry about them all the time, but now they only really bother me when looking at bright white or the sky.

16-01-11, 00:28
Speaking of all these light related issues, does anyone here have trouble looking at computer screens? I am actually Ok with most of them, but some people get sick very quickly looking at nay screens, even TV.

15-06-17, 03:29
I have the exact same symotoms