View Full Version : would a compleat rest be good for me feeling so tired out

12-01-11, 16:41
i dont work but i do run my home on my own as my partner sits on pc all day playing call of duty my 16 yr old daughter lazy around doing nothing all day watchs tv and makes a mess when she gets ready to go to boy friends my 19yr old goes out to work so always feel i need to do his tea and i am washing clothes everyday makeing beds every day ect picking any mess around more than once a day pay all bills over phone do shoppiong online as agarphobic
i go to bed nd try t unwind before getting down so its always midnight finaly drop off to sleep but find it so hard to get up i awake up around 6ish then again at 8ish but just dont feel ready to get up then the day begins maybe my 26yr old as popped in so i get up have a cuppa and a chat then i no when she as gone my day begins same old same old i drag my self around to do all that needs to be done my anxiety was through the roof leading up to axmas and still pretty anxiouse and u all no to well that alone burns us out but no matter how much the anxiety as wore me down i feel guilty if i take to much time out i would love to lock my self away for a whole week and just rest but i would ave to go down to feed myself and i dont no how i would end up feeding every one my son who works would honstly see to him self why his dad would say are we haveing anyhting to eat today if i say kitchen there he will say there is nothing in wich makes me angry wich leads to more anxiety am i being unfare or what any way sorry for the long post needed to get it out and i no you guys no what how lives are like with just the anxiety any way take care lv trish xxx