View Full Version : I think I've broke out in hives on my neck... :(

12-01-11, 16:58
Hi guys,

My anxiety really seems to be at a peak at the moment, not sure why but my worrying seems to have increased ten-fold & I thought I was coping ok :(

I noticed that my neck was a little itchy a few days ago & abit red, now it seems to have broke out in a big red rash, it looks abit like hives but I'm not sure. It's not too itchy but it is burning abit.

I can't think of anything new that I've used recently or ate anything different & I'm not allergic to anything as far as I know...never had hives before but my sister broke out in them on her leg's when she had a reaction to ibuprofen tablets & it's very similar.

Now I'm panicking abit & thinking that my throat is swelling cos I can feel a lump there & whether or not it's gonna spread all round my body.

I'm going to try & get into the doctor's tomorrow but I'm really worried at the moment :(
Has anyone had any experiences with Hives?

12-01-11, 17:26
Hmm sal i don't know, all i know is you have had very high anxiety the past few days - could it be heat rash or from the stress? if you haven't done or eaten anything new i really doubt it is hives, although they can be brought on by stress and will calm down when you do...you have been looking for an allergic reaction saying you are more sensitive the week before your period...please take my advice and stop feeding yourself little nuggets of info like that from google...dr google is a bad bad man and should not be trusted!!

take it easy, sal, and take care of yourself, give your mind and body a rest

12-01-11, 18:07
Thanks so much for the advice allergyphobia. I have been worrying more than normal lately :(
I've been trying to think I've eaten or used anything new but I honestly can't think of anything. It really has broke out quite bad now & is burning quite alot but it could be due to stress or something...I'm hoping so anyway...

Thanks again hun, I'll try not to worry until I can get into the doctors :hugs:

14-01-11, 13:09
what happened in the end sal?

14-01-11, 20:00
I went to the doctor's yesterday & he said he was an allergic reaction to something & gave me cortisone cream, which seems to be helping...
But now I'm wondering what I've reacted to as I'm not allergic to anything as far I know...I guess I am now ha! :/

Hopefully it'll go away now I'm using the cream...

19-01-11, 13:36
Hmm, odd - you can also break out in hives because of stress, so its not definitely an allergy... maybe they have changed an ingredient in your shampoo or something..

19-01-11, 14:42
I know, it did come out of nowhere & I am beginning to think my anxiety might have caused it because of how anxious I was at the time...but the good news is that the cream has cleared it up great & it's more or less gone :)

19-01-11, 14:51
Yay! Glad to hear it :yesyes: Well done for being able to think so logically about it!

19-01-11, 15:10
Thank you! I just hope it doesn't come back!
I do have rational moments...sometimes...haha!
*hugs* :hugs: