View Full Version : Hello - looking to make new friends & get advice

12-01-11, 18:00

My name is Mike. I am 37 years old and have suffered with symptoms of AvPD, GADm Clinical Depression and Social Phobia largely since the age of 18
Have always been shy of self expression, standing on my own feet, fear of social rejection and breaking the ice socially.

I am under my local mental health services team and am undertaking the NHS "Time to Talk" CBT talking therapy but although I am open-minded I know I have many sides to my condition and underlying personal issues

I would like to make new friends who are experiencing a similar condition to confide in and share thoughts with and to take our mind off things hopefully

Also I need some quality advice on the Employment & Support Allowance benefit claim as it has proven a nightmare open to ambiguity on a big level
I feel as though the government are treating mental health sufferers really unfairly and asking them to fill out the form ESA50 accurately and comprehensively can be extremely hard for guys like us

I initially filled out form ESA50 on 26 May 2010 and had a job as I did this on my own and looking back I feel I made some errors or misdiagnosis of my condition which basically paints me as better than I am and now I feel that I should have filled in the form as if I was experiencing my worst day not my best day. Also because I managed to drive (on my own) and attend the Medical Health Assessment in July 13 2010 and I admitted to doing some household chores and shopping that I was scored only 12 points in total for the mental/cognitive/intellectual functions when I had scored myself over 40???

At the current time I feel this score should remain around 40 for the mental decriptors and I have sought to appeal against the decision to stop my ESA allowance from August 9 2010 as the decision maker sided with the HealthCare Professional who examined me and who in my mind had assumed a lot about me but does not see how I suffer 24/7, has seen me in any kind of working/pressured social situation and did not explre in any depth my anxiety condition- he basically scores what he sees on the day and this is far too clinical/random I believe for mental health conditions to be assessed fairly/accurately

I delayed my appeal as it was turned down again on November 16 and it is now January and I need to present a fresh medical report from my Mental Health Services Team/GP and see if this and my admission to errors completing the original ESA50 which may have misled/deemed aspects of the medical assessment invalid - am hoping to get any ESA backdated too from August 9 2010 as I feel is my right as I am only reliant on ESA and Disability Living Allowance

I live with my parents who are aged 69 and 65 and I feel I am trapped and preventing them enjoying their retirement. I fear 'going it alone' and being independent and catastrophize all sorts of situations arising where I am unable to cope on my own. I have hardly any income, no savings and cannot foresee ever working with any smallish/largish group of people in an office in future and only can entertain thoughts of working from home on my computer in some capacity as my options are limited.

Mike :unsure:

12-01-11, 18:01
Hi mikelarter

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

12-01-11, 18:40
Hi Mike

:welcome: to NMP.

Have you tried contacting CAB and see if they can help you and things.


Vanilla Sky
12-01-11, 21:08
Hi and welcome to NMP :welcome:
Paige x

14-01-11, 02:02
not yet have you had any experience consulting CAB? can they help fill in form there is also the Benefits Enquiry Line I will try which helps people with disabilities fill in forms.

14-01-11, 02:02
thanks Paige :)

14-01-11, 02:03
thanks Diane :yesyes:

14-01-11, 02:26
Hi, you'll find loads of support on this site..

14-01-11, 21:38
not yet have you had any experience consulting CAB? can they help fill in form there is also the Benefits Enquiry Line I will try which helps people with disabilities fill in forms.

Hi Mike,

When I had trouble with my claim for Incapacity Benefit at the time, they refused me I had 14 points 15 to qualify. I went to CAB and they sort of helped me through various things, like filling the form etc.

You never know, it doesn't hurt to give them a call and see what they say.


16-01-11, 13:15
hello mike and welcome to the site ive at the end of my worry with worry im here to chat but knowone understands i thought i was going mad i have a fouer year old to look after and if i didnt have my mum i would of been locked up theres no looking on the brightside its a suffering burden to have on your shoulders im so alone through this i cant feel part of normality at the moment:)

16-01-11, 13:19
Hi Mike welcome to the forum, Im very glad you found us.:)