View Full Version : Sick of the symptoms and fear!!

12-01-11, 20:30
Hi guys!

I've been on here for some months now, dipping my toe in now and again reading the posts but recently I've been more and more aware of my symptoms and it's starting to really affect my life. Quite frankly, it's terrifying and it's ruining my life.
I have a whole list of symptoms that for some reason I can't explain and the doctor doesn't seem to want to know.

The list is as follows (and I'm sure I've missed a few!):

Blurred vison
Constantly tired (Quite capable of sleeping any time of day given the chance)
Tense neck/shoulders
Lack of energy
Pressure in head/backs of eyes
Pains in legs and arms
Dull pain to the left of sternum, sometimes sharp on inhalation
Discomfort in lower abdomen
Full on panic attacks

Sometimes I have just one or two symptoms, sometimes most of them but I also find that the symptoms increase at night or when I'm driving.

Basically, what I'd like to know is does anybody else get these sorts of symptoms and if you do, can you explain them or offer any advice on how to combat them?

It's really getting me down now and I just don't think anybody else takes me seriously.

Probably sounds a bit pathetic but I guess I'm pretty desperate now!

Thank you in advance for any help/advice!


12-01-11, 22:05
I have exactly the same... But my fear is around heart. The only assurance i get is when my face goes tingly and i realise it is from anxiety. It is hard and i hope that we get better. Take solice in the fact that so many people on here have the same thing.

12-01-11, 22:15

i have all the symptoms you describe maybe not all at once maybe all of them.
my fear of what im dying of changes depending on which symptom ha the strongest hold over me.

the only way ive kinda been told why its happening s all to do with fight and flight our body i preparing to fight somethng bad we have a thought the=at something bads gong to happen so our body prepares to do it,. we get surges of adrenaline. im not really good with what each sympotom means i understand a couple of them but not a doc or nurse or anything so dont want to get it wrong and give you the wrong idea.

all i no for sure is aklot of them are due to hyperventialation i used to say i wasnt hyperventalting but i do lol xx

it can feel lke people arnt listening to you i think that all the tme x

13-01-11, 06:54
Thank you both for your replies. Whilst I'm sorry you feel the same way, I can take comfort in the fact that I'm not the only one going through it.
It's a nightmare and I'm just so worried it'll interfere with my job.
In fact, I sometimes invent reasons to leave work early if I feel it coming on! How awful is that?!!

13-01-11, 07:15
I have exactly the same... But my fear is around heart. The only assurance i get is when my face goes tingly and i realise it is from anxiety. It is hard and i hope that we get better. Take solice in the fact that so many people on here have the same thing.
I never realised that tingly feelingon the face was caused by anxiety..... I get that when I narrowly avoid an accident on my bike or motorbike and it comes on almost instantly the near accident happened....... ps... I'm not really a bad driver!!!
Is it possible for you to cycle to work Dan?..... I find exercise helps alot with anxiety.


13-01-11, 10:46
Thank you both for your replies. Whilst I'm sorry you feel the same way, I can take comfort in the fact that I'm not the only one going through it.
It's a nightmare and I'm just so worried it'll interfere with my job.
In fact, I sometimes invent reasons to leave work early if I feel it coming on! How awful is that?!!

You are not alone! The amount of times I make up a dentist appointment out of the blue to leave work early! They must think I have a mouth full of fillings..

It is horrible at work, I find that's where most of my anxieties happen or if I am outside walking.

The symptoms you have listed are the same as me, I focus a lot of mine on my vision and head - meaning everyday I always obssess with my vision and most of my work takes place in front of a computer!

Do you ever think of taking sick leave due to our anxiety? It's always at the back of my mind but I find if I give into my anxiety it makes me feel worse than adctually battling through it and feeling a bit better by the end of the day (works about 80% of the time).

13-01-11, 16:48
Unfortunately I'm not in a position to cycle to work as I work 30 miles away from where I live, although I do exercise and I'm a member of my local rugby club.
And as for the sick leave, I have in the past taken time off work because of it but I give another reason, I try my best not to but sometimes I find that I just can't control the symptoms and I feel as though I'll make a prat out of myself!

13-01-11, 20:44
Hi Dan,

I have all of those symptoms you listed, sometimes i am dizzy and lightheaded for a few weeks with arm and leg pains, then i get pins and needles all over, then the next week my eye feels blurry, then the week after i feel so weak and tired, it changes all the time, i know when i am going to start getting the symptoms as i start panicking and feeling anxious a few weeks before then the bad symptoms start. the more i ignore them the more they stop, i too have been to my doctor and he looks at me like im silly, but thats because i am, as it is just anxiety as i can make the symptoms go away when im busy, if you went to meet your friends for a drink or went to a meeting at work you would forget about them for at least ten minutes??

hope this helps, i think it can be health anxiety too, i get so scared when i get the symptoms that i feel numb and frightened and upset and depressed! its a big vicious circle that you will learn to break!

13-01-11, 22:53
sounds like you are suffering from anxiety and panic attacks. So you are in the right place!

The mind really plays tricks on you. I used to worry about prostrate cancer. So I used to wake up in the night and convince myself I needed a pee. My body got used to this and it became a self fulfilling prophecy

Once I got tested and my crazy OCD health anxiety moved onto something else to worry about, the getting up in the night totally stopped

jo h
14-01-11, 11:10
Hi all

I am new here...apologies if this is in the worng place :( ...I just want to share my symptoms and see if anyone can reassure me ....last year about Feb I took myself off to a and e ...i had bad chest pains ...they checked me out and sent me home all ok apparently...i carried on feeling the pains and also really tired all the time and thought i had something really bad wrong with me ( as i still do) i went to the doctor in September and am on Citalopram as he thinks I have depression ....I am not convinced ...here are my symptoms ...what do you think :

Pains in my chest all over ranging from sharp electric shock feelings to dull ache where my heart is.
Fatigue which comes and goes ..when its bad I cant move off the sofas ....no energy at all
Occasional pins and needles in hands and feet
Constant worry about whats wrong with me
Used to get an ache in my jaw but not had that for a while
Hearing my heart beat in my ears when i put my head on the pillow
A constant need to clear my throat which the doc says is a stomach acid problem and has put me on omazeprole for .....

I just generally have a feeling of being unwell and after being fit all my life its very worrying .......

Any ideas ??\


Jo :weep:

14-01-11, 15:47
Hi all

I am new here...apologies if this is in the worng place :( ...I just want to share my symptoms and see if anyone can reassure me ....last year about Feb I took myself off to a and e ...i had bad chest pains ...they checked me out and sent me home all ok apparently...i carried on feeling the pains and also really tired all the time and thought i had something really bad wrong with me ( as i still do) i went to the doctor in September and am on Citalopram as he thinks I have depression ....I am not convinced ...here are my symptoms ...what do you think :

Pains in my chest all over ranging from sharp electric shock feelings to dull ache where my heart is.
Fatigue which comes and goes ..when its bad I cant move off the sofas ....no energy at all
Occasional pins and needles in hands and feet
Constant worry about whats wrong with me
Used to get an ache in my jaw but not had that for a while
Hearing my heart beat in my ears when i put my head on the pillow
A constant need to clear my throat which the doc says is a stomach acid problem and has put me on omazeprole for .....

I just generally have a feeling of being unwell and after being fit all my life its very worrying .......

Any ideas ??\


Jo :weep:

hello, welcome to NMP,

I have all those symtoms, I asked my gp to refer me to a cardiologist because I was convinved it was my heart, just to be told my hearts perfect and it was anxiety. Anxiety does make you feel unwell well it does me. I gues we just have to trust are doctors when they tell us its anxiety. Xx

jo h
14-01-11, 15:56
hello, welcome to NMP,

I have all those symtoms, I asked my gp to refer me to a cardiologist because I was convinved it was my heart, just to be told my hearts perfect and it was anxiety. Anxiety does make you feel unwell well it does me. I gues we just have to trust are doctors when they tell us its anxiety. Xx

Thanks for your reply ....I think I need reassurance my heart is ok too .....I have trouble understanding that anxiety or depression can affect me so badly physically .......:weep:

Thanks tho


jo h
16-01-11, 20:04
I also have the need to clear my throat badly all the time .....doc says acid reflux but im not improvin on the meds ........does anyone else have this ??? I have had that a couple of years now ..

Frozen in fear
16-01-11, 20:23
Chest ache discomfort pain
head ache discomfort presure pain
light headed dizzy
ringing in ears
spaced out feeling Not here feeling
tight throat suffocating feeling
tired exhausted
Fear fear and more fear

16-01-11, 20:40
Hi jo h

I,ve only had the acid stomach thing for seven weeks and over xmas i was coughing up clear mucous from the back of my throat and constant clearing , so much so my neck still hurts and my throat feels strange .
Its gone away nearly now , i,m on lansoprazole 30 mg and ranitidine , it went better when i stated takeing a ranitidine at bed time , as if acid was comeing up in the night .

Lansoprazole on its own does nothing for me . What meds are you on ?

16-01-11, 20:54
Hi Jo

Just read all your symptyms , and see you are on omeprezole , i was on them at firsrt and they did nothing , but they can take a month to work .

You could try a ranitidine(prescription) or a otc zantac 75 which is the same thing but half dose and take it at bed time incase the acid is comeing up at night .

You need to take the omexprazole at least three hours space from the zantac/ranitidine .

I had most of your symtyms inc an all over burning and a terrible stiff neck i spent weeks on the couch unable to sleep very much and didn,t want to disturb my wife .
It all slowly disappeared , and i,m now putting most of it down to all the worry i was haveing at the time ie anxiety , i,m slowly learning i didn,t help myself as i didn,t know what was wrong with me . I really thought i was dyeing and used dr google and thought i had everything under the sun . I ended up haveing a breast scan (i,m male) as i also had under arm pain and one gland was swollen , guess what the scan was fine and the under arm ache went within an hour of haveing the scan done .

Forgot to say the chest pains can be acid related , i had them , the more i worried the worst i felt , i just wish now i had gone with the flow and tried to get on with things as i,ve ended up a right worry pot over my health ever since , but at the time i just couldn,t force myself to get on with life i felt so i,ll .

16-01-11, 21:22
hi i get pains around my hart down my left arm and pins an needles in fingers my head feels like its get really tight whrn i start getting all these pains i break into a sweat just keep feeling dizzy and just need to go outside and catch my breath iv been to the doc and a&e they say im fine just muscles related but it realy effects my life i feel i cant plan for the future just take it day by day im so scared that its heart problems and im going to die but it helps to know that im not alone

17-01-11, 00:53
Hi guys!

I've been on here for some months now, dipping my toe in now and again reading the posts but recently I've been more and more aware of my symptoms and it's starting to really affect my life. Quite frankly, it's terrifying and it's ruining my life.
I have a whole list of symptoms that for some reason I can't explain and the doctor doesn't seem to want to know.

The list is as follows (and I'm sure I've missed a few!):

Blurred vison
Constantly tired (Quite capable of sleeping any time of day given the chance)
Tense neck/shoulders
Lack of energy
Pressure in head/backs of eyes
Pains in legs and arms
Dull pain to the left of sternum, sometimes sharp on inhalation
Discomfort in lower abdomen
Full on panic attacks

Sometimes I have just one or two symptoms, sometimes most of them but I also find that the symptoms increase at night or when I'm driving.

Basically, what I'd like to know is does anybody else get these sorts of symptoms and if you do, can you explain them or offer any advice on how to combat them?

It's really getting me down now and I just don't think anybody else takes me seriously.

Probably sounds a bit pathetic but I guess I'm pretty desperate now!

Thank you in advance for any help/advice!


Hi Dan!

I've read your thread and am 100% sure you are suffering from anxiety. The symptoms you list are spot on. I can totally sympathise with you. There's nothing wrong with you, I assure you. I had most of the symptoms as well but keep in mind that people are having different symptoms when comes to anxiety so don't fool yourself that you have some other illness or anything like that. First thing is to understand and realize that you will need time to get over this things and start to feel normally like you did before anxiety. One of the most important things is not to try and fight your symptoms, really important thing is not to be sick of all of your symptoms, you just accept them and live with them. Maybe you are wondering how can someone live whit this fu**ed up feelings plus accepting them... but the thing is that they are not that bad since you know that nothing can't hurt you and you are 100% safe, just try to remember that you need time to recover and don't pay attention to your symptoms. If you feel dizzy for example remind yourself: "that's my anxiety symptom no worries" and continue with the thing you do. Also, don't stop living normally because of some silly symptoms, move forward with them. The phrase that should guide you through should be "it is what it is for now".

Main thing to remember is although it feels like you'll neve feel normal again, you really will!

If you have something that you want to talk about, any kind of feelings, thoughts... Just send me a PM and I will help you out, coz hey we are with same problem and you learn a lot about the problem that you got to find solutions :)


jo h
17-01-11, 11:09
Hi jo h

I,ve only had the acid stomach thing for seven weeks and over xmas i was coughing up clear mucous from the back of my throat and constant clearing , so much so my neck still hurts and my throat feels strange .
Its gone away nearly now , i,m on lansoprazole 30 mg and ranitidine , it went better when i stated takeing a ranitidine at bed time , as if acid was comeing up in the night .

Lansoprazole on its own does nothing for me . What meds are you on ?


Its Omazeprole .......not sure spelt that right lol xxx

jo h
17-01-11, 11:11
Hi Jo

Just read all your symptyms , and see you are on omeprezole , i was on them at firsrt and they did nothing , but they can take a month to work .

You could try a ranitidine(prescription) or a otc zantac 75 which is the same thing but half dose and take it at bed time incase the acid is comeing up at night .

You need to take the omexprazole at least three hours space from the zantac/ranitidine .

I had most of your symtyms inc an all over burning and a terrible stiff neck i spent weeks on the couch unable to sleep very much and didn,t want to disturb my wife .
It all slowly disappeared , and i,m now putting most of it down to all the worry i was haveing at the time ie anxiety , i,m slowly learning i didn,t help myself as i didn,t know what was wrong with me . I really thought i was dyeing and used dr google and thought i had everything under the sun . I ended up haveing a breast scan (i,m male) as i also had under arm pain and one gland was swollen , guess what the scan was fine and the under arm ache went within an hour of haveing the scan done .

Forgot to say the chest pains can be acid related , i had them , the more i worried the worst i felt , i just wish now i had gone with the flow and tried to get on with things as i,ve ended up a right worry pot over my health ever since , but at the time i just couldn,t force myself to get on with life i felt so i,ll .
Thanks for your reply ...thats my problem I am worryin all the time cant stop thinking about my chest area and the pains/throat clearing ........thanks for your advice ...I will try :wacko:


jo h
17-01-11, 11:12
Hi Dan!

I've read your thread and am 100% sure you are suffering from anxiety. The symptoms you list are spot on. I can totally sympathise with you. There's nothing wrong with you, I assure you. I had most of the symptoms as well but keep in mind that people are having different symptoms when comes to anxiety so don't fool yourself that you have some other illness or anything like that. First thing is to understand and realize that you will need time to get over this things and start to feel normally like you did before anxiety. One of the most important things is not to try and fight your symptoms, really important thing is not to be sick of all of your symptoms, you just accept them and live with them. Maybe you are wondering how can someone live whit this fu**ed up feelings plus accepting them... but the thing is that they are not that bad since you know that nothing can't hurt you and you are 100% safe, just try to remember that you need time to recover and don't pay attention to your symptoms. If you feel dizzy for example remind yourself: "that's my anxiety symptom no worries" and continue with the thing you do. Also, don't stop living normally because of some silly symptoms, move forward with them. The phrase that should guide you through should be "it is what it is for now".

Main thing to remember is although it feels like you'll neve feel normal again, you really will!

If you have something that you want to talk about, any kind of feelings, thoughts... Just send me a PM and I will help you out, coz hey we are with same problem and you learn a lot about the problem that you got to find solutions :)


Thanks ...that reply to him helped me too ...I will try to take your advice on board Jo x

18-01-11, 06:48
Yeah, I agree!
Thanks Baster for your reply, lots of good points and advice there, I appreciate it.

In fact, thanks to everyone for their input to this thread, the discussions have been really helpful!

18-01-11, 10:12
I,m back to square one today , couldn,t face work again and cried 4 times already today i,m a mess .

18-01-11, 20:57
I also get all these..Im so glad that Im not the only one. The silly thing is that sometimes I know its just all the anxiety and I can switch it off by keepinh busy or distracting myself. I recently had alot of problems with my eyes and went and had an eye test, the optician knew immediately there was no issue with my sight and suggested it was more to do with feeling generally 'unwell' or anxious and to see my GP. I felt better and reassured (funny that!) so didnt bother with the Doc til I started suffering more aches and a new one..pounding ears at night. These really freaked me out and has at times kept me awake with my heart pounding in my head and chest. Doc prescribed setraline but they made me feel awful nausea, palpitations got worse..my mum said I looked awful. My own GP has now prescribed citalopram and last night was the first decent night with no ear pounding I have had for over a month..its amazing how good I felt today just for that alone. Im starting to feel less uptight, no churny tummy or racing heart. It is just great to read this and know Im not the only one suffering these symptoms

jo h
21-01-11, 00:53
I also get all these..Im so glad that Im not the only one. The silly thing is that sometimes I know its just all the anxiety and I can switch it off by keepinh busy or distracting myself. I recently had alot of problems with my eyes and went and had an eye test, the optician knew immediately there was no issue with my sight and suggested it was more to do with feeling generally 'unwell' or anxious and to see my GP. I felt better and reassured (funny that!) so didnt bother with the Doc til I started suffering more aches and a new one..pounding ears at night. These really freaked me out and has at times kept me awake with my heart pounding in my head and chest. Doc prescribed setraline but they made me feel awful nausea, palpitations got worse..my mum said I looked awful. My own GP has now prescribed citalopram and last night was the first decent night with no ear pounding I have had for over a month..its amazing how good I felt today just for that alone. Im starting to feel less uptight, no churny tummy or racing heart. It is just great to read this and know Im not the only one suffering these symptoms

Hey glad you feel a little better ....I have to say the ear pounding thing really is horrid ...I had it and could not put my ears on pillow had to lay on my back to try to sleep .....I am on Citalopram and that symptom has stopped for now thankfully .........xxx