View Full Version : Sinusitis - stupidly googling!!

12-01-11, 22:46
I think I've got sinusitis pain above eyebrows especially when beding over, pain in cheek and ear and behind eye pressure in the top of my nose and a weid popping/bubbling sensation at the back of my nose. I haven't got a blocked nose and I don't feel congested. How can I help myself other than nurofen. I've looked at sinutab, etc but they all contain phenylephrine or psuedoephrine which make my heart race so don't fancy them,

Don't really see the point in going to docs as no mucus (yuck!) so doubt bacterial. I did have a flu type illness with pleurisy before xmas so probably a lovely follow on present. Had antibiotics for that. Some websites say that if it is sinusitis it should pass without seeing doc withing a few weeks but it's really making me feel down.....being rational BUT of course I google a bit more and read a post that says that you should see a doctor right away if you suspect sinus infection as not far for bacteria to spread to the brain and can cause meningitis!!!!! Argggghhh, why did I bloody look??? The rational part of me says, no temp or anything surely it will pass........the crazy part of me says oh my god - I've been like this for three days, maybe I've left it too late.......

Any home remedy ideas appreciated and also anyone who suffers from sinusitis that could share their tales of all being well and it passing quickly....please xxx

12-01-11, 22:59
Inhale steam with some olbas oil in it if you can.