View Full Version : Can a doctor

13-01-11, 02:31
hi just aquick question been having palpatations/ skipped heart beats for a week or so can being tired and stresse cause them and can a GP hear with a stephascope whether all the heart valves are working alright just really worried

13-01-11, 03:23
when im tired i get a fluttery chest which makes me more axntious lol and not every valve just your heart beat to see if your actouly haveing a skipped beat and if you where they send you off for a ekg unless you actouly ask for an ekg for reasurance ?

13-01-11, 19:49
On the heart valve question - yes a Dr can hear a heart murmer which is a valve leak - believe it or not my old GP was due to have a hip replacement and he went for pre op check and they heard a murmer and he went for more tests and had to have a heart valve replacement before his hip op.
My mother in law had her heart murmer picked up at her hip op pre check and both were just with a Dr with a stethoscope - obviously they need echo to confirm but plain old stethoscope picked up the leaky valves.