View Full Version : MS-really worried

26-03-06, 21:17
For the past year i have suffered various symptoms the most common are weak arms and legs, blurry vision often in one eye, tingling and numbness. I know these are all symptoms of aniexty but I have just read MS symptoms and they are exactly the same. I have been to the drs and they are doing blood tests on Tues (which have had before all fine). My main fear is that MS is not detected through blood tests and they could be missing it. I am sooooo convinced it is really freaking me out! Does anyone else experience anything like this. I have most of these symptoms most of the time.

Babydoll xx

26-03-06, 21:31
Hi Babydoll

I get these symptoms too, sometimes think its stoke, sometimes Heart attack and sometimes MS, and I googled the lot and fit the criteria for all of em! promise you it is anxiety, You blood tests will re-assue you

Take Care

Wendy xx

27-03-06, 20:10
Your fine, This is what i think everyone time i get symptoms

I always think i have a brain tumor when i get headaches

I always think i have MS or Brain tumor when i get visual disturbances such as seeing sparks, floaters, etc

I convinced mself I had testicle cancer so i checked for hours and ended up hurting myself lol

I convinced myself that I had prostate cancer and got chcked and was fine =/ (believe me that wsnt fun lol)

I always have trouble with GAS and stomache aches and I thought I had stomache cancer

I was hyperventlating cuz i thought i couldnt breathe and i thought i had lung cancer

I had a blister on my gum and thought i had mouth cancer

and the list goes on and on...

You shouldnt even worry about MS unless you have like 75% of the symptoms... And dont search for symptoms on the internet anyways, the most popular diseases are going to pop up... like you can type in headaches and brain tumor will come up... You need not to worry, You probably had one symptom and then u looked it up... MS popped up and then u suddenly had them all lol I do that all the time

27-03-06, 21:13
this is one of the most common fears especially as many of the symptoms of anxiety mimic ms.

have you ever read claire weekes books. sorry if i have already asked this but claire weekes mentions this very fear in her book . believe me if your doc even suspected it you would be in getting many tests.

i know at first hand how frightening these symptoms can be but try to be reassured by your doctor and also by others on this site who have the same symptoms and fears as you have

hope this helps

28-03-06, 16:08
:D Hi, my first post - oddly enough I have been having all of the symptoms of MS as well - it's true that you can look on the web and find that your symptoms relate to all kinds of horrible diseases and conditions when in fact all this is doing is making them worse.

In reality I think looking for symptoms on the internet is like an addiction which fuels anxiety and since I've stopped doing it and looking on useful forums instead I feel much better :)

Silly Blonde
29-03-06, 17:37
I have had stomach ache and other IBS type symptoms for ages. I thought my doc had finally got through to me last summer when I started to feel a lot better.

Shortly before Xmas, I started to get really bad heartburn/stomach ache, and then i happened to read an article about ovarian cancer (the "silent killer"). Lo and behold, I started to get really bad lower back ache etc etc and so I put two and two together and got six!!!

I asked my doctor for an ultrasound (she wasn't the one that suggested it) - and I was sooooo scared. But it was absolutely normal.

I just shows you that it is true, that when you Google, you find out more symptoms and then suddenly you have them all!!!

As part of my therapy, I was "banned" from seeing my GP about anything relating to the symptoms I had when my health anxiety first came about (stomach ache, heartburn, nausea etc). Reassurance is ok short term (for about 5 seconds with me), but long term, your mind will move on to something else....... fuelling the never ending circular pattern of anxiety.

Hark at me!!! I really should listen to myself sometimes.

I bet nobody on this forum has ever died or been diagnosed with something they were worring about.....!!!!