View Full Version : If you hear of an illness to you end up getting symptoms?

13-01-11, 08:31
Hi All

Just wondering If you hear of an illness or someone u know is ill, do u end up getting those "symptoms"?

and why is it us with h/a never believe our doctors? or we do for a day or 2 and then think: well I never told him this or never mentioned that?

I remember going to the hospital when I thought I had a brain tumor, the eye doctor reassured me I did not have one. I felt better then as I was leaving he then said "relax and enjoy your children"

JESUS! NOW TO ME i was thinking WHY did he say "enjoy my children" does he know Im going to die???? i then ended up going back to a&e the following day!!

Why why why do we think like this??

Please if you feel the same let me know


13-01-11, 09:33
I feel exactly the same. I am convinced that doctors have psychic powers (not really) and know about my illnesses but in some kind of conspiracy are keeping it from me.

If I go to the doctor I then fret that I haven't told them every single tiresome detail because ein my head that one detail i missed could be the big clue. I sit here and think that I didn't tell them I had this precise symptom on the Tuesday and then this happened on the Wednesday. That, in my mind, is classic OCD.

Finally, I do get symptoms after reading of them. I was reading about nipple pain and I got a pain shoot through my 'problem' nipple. Yesterday I read about night sweats and this morning I noticed how hot and clammy I was.

I was on meds and they did help numb me (but didn't touch the HA) however I've taken myself off them mainly because as one friend said to me 'when you stop them the problems will still be there, you have to face them rather than hide them'. At the moment I would happily go back on them but I didn't like the emotional 'numbness' they caused and I was a bit disappointed that I was offered drugs before therapy (cheaper option I suppose on the NHS, not that I'm knocking it, wonderful service).

Forgive the long winded reply, basically, yes I know exactly how you feel.:hugs:

Jamie C
14-01-11, 02:54

Yes i am exactly like this, went and saw my Dr the otherday and he checked me over properly and said its just a viral infection.. i felt great for rest of the day, nothing to worry about, the first time i've been properly happy in a longtime. But then the doubts and worries started again, and the thoughts of "i forgot to tell him something". Problem is when you have anxiety your never gunna be totally convinced the Dr's are right, so i just keep reminding myself that these are fully trained medical proffesionals and that my Dr being of the older generation knows exactly what hes looking for.

As for the reading about an illness and then having the symptoms, its just your mind playing tricks on you and it can be scarey and seem very real but its not.

Jamie C.

14-01-11, 04:33
I totally agree with this, it can be a huge pain.