View Full Version : Numb lip

13-01-11, 08:42
I seem to be going round in circles. A few months back I had a numb patch appear on my bottom lip to the right side and s little below it. I don't thinknit went away completely, it keep reappearing every so often but not so bad.

Last night I woke in the night and it was tingling in the same place and today feels irritated and numbish again. It's difficult to describe because I can feel it abc have sensations in it but it's a but like the feeling when a dental anaesthetic wears off.

Anyone? I'm worried again but don't want to make a massive fuss and blow it out of proportion again with my brain tumour fears.

13-01-11, 08:47

I have had that! I also have a numb toe but I think I have had that for years!

Please try not to worry! I know its very hard as I have a MASSIVE fear of brain tumors too. Your not alone hun

Paula x

13-01-11, 09:24
Thanks for your reply. I woke up in the night startled too so I thinknit had unsettled me today.

13-01-11, 10:06
My brother had that happen a few years ago, numb lip and cheek and some tingling.The GP said it was from anxiety after a lot of stress,and when he gets stressed now it happens again for a while.