View Full Version : Hi, I'm new, Introduction :)

13-01-11, 14:10
My name's Lauren, I'm 20 years old and I'm a third year student at university in Scotland, although I'm originally from South East England. As far as I can remember I've suffered with GAD all my life, I remember being about 6 when I first started losing sleep over the thought of dying, and I was about 8 when I first developed my first social phobia-of needing the toilet and not being able to go (product of a nineties primary school I think)

I've had those phobias ever since, and about four years ago these progressed into panic attacks. Since then I've developed slight Claustrophobia, as well as health anxiety and I can suffer between one panic attack a month and more than six a day, depending on the level of stress I'm under at the time.

I find it difficult to talk to people about my problem, and try to play it off as being humorous, as I don't like the idea of people looking down on me for it, as people often do when it comes to mental health.

Unfortunately I'm probably at my worst point at the moment, and I've just been told I'll start on anti depressants on Tuesday. I am hopeful that this will help me get through this.

Other than my disorder, I enjoy films, historical fiction and shopping for new clothes and shoes :) I don't like going clubbing because of my anxiety, but I would never say no to a nice cocktail at a chilled out bar.

Nice to meet you all :)

13-01-11, 14:11
Hi lorenza

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

13-01-11, 14:34
Hello Lauren :welcome: and nice to meet you too. Hope you get benefit from the ADs and from being around people here who understand what you are going through xx

paula lynne
13-01-11, 15:29
Hi Lauren, welcome aboard. Youll find lots of help and support here and meet some good friends along the way x:welcome:

Vanilla Sky
13-01-11, 17:23
Hi and welcome to NMP :welcome:
Paige x