View Full Version : like the post about openess

26-03-06, 21:54
this is something i have never done, but i would like to try it. i only talk about my past with my closest friends. i have not done this for a long time and i have a counsellor soon, so maybe this would be a start.

well were do i start! my life started with hurt at the age of 4 when my dad left and choose a women over me. i still remember times with my dad when he lived with my mum and me and i was daddy's little girl. he has been in and out of my life when it pleases him ever since.

then i lost my grandad when i was 9 that was the first death i had ever know, seeing as i never had pets or anything. i took that pretty bad.

my mum met a bloke about 2years after my dad and mum spilt, he used to me to get to my mum. at the age of 11 he started hittng me and sexually abusing me, but i just thought he actually does love me. thats all i wanted him to love me the way he loved my brothers. this was going on for 8months till i finally told my mum, but ui didnt want him to leave, just wanted him to stop. he stayed then he went to prision 3months later and that was when my mum got out.

i also had a best friend that raped me at the same time as my stepdad, i didnt understand what was going on. in the end it all came out at school to a teacher and it went to court 2years laters.

i meet my first boyfriend at 13 and he help me through it all, but then became very aggressive 2years later hitting me if i even looked at a bloke., i was stupied and put up with it for two years.

at 17 i moved in with one of my mates from school and he knew i had money through what happened to me on my 18th birthday. we became an item and i done all the flat up and he lived off me until the money ran out. when money ran out so did i, he kicked me out and i lost everything.

at this point i lost all self respect for myself and started sleeping with any bloke for attention.

then i met a really nice bloke, well i thought he was. he done everything for me and i loved him more then anything. he had a past with baggage and ened up keep going back to his ex, back to me and back again. i put up with it for a year and took him back everytime. last jan i started getting pains in my belly went to the doctors, and found out i was 5 and half months pregant. i was a shock but i was ok. this bloke was back with his ex at the time, so just let be.

I went for a scan within the week and found out she had spina bifida, she would never walk and be inconanent. my whole world fell apeart. began feeling like i just lost everything i touched. i had to do the best for both of us so i termantated her. i still to this day say it was a medical miscarrage, i gave birth to her and can still see her little face now.
this bloke didnt help me at all, just said i dont need this in my life. so i got on with it.

i had another bad relationship and that was it for me, it was just lies and cheating.

my PA started after all of this and i felt i lost myself, well still have.
This last year i have consentrated on me and helping myself. to keep myself going i tell myself there are people worse off then me and my life is what i make it.

i will never let these people win and i say u can change your presant and future but not the past. life is what you make it.

All of us have to find the control to beat this, and there is away. i just havent found it yet

sarah xx


26-03-06, 22:24
Hi Sarah and welcome to the site, Sorry to hear you have had such a horrible life, none deserves that exxpecialy a child. Hope your counceling goes well and you start to get better and have more luck. take care. Vernon

27-03-06, 01:18
You will find it hun and we are all here to help you.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

"Life is a distance and to travel that distance you were given the strength and guidance to do so".

27-03-06, 09:33
Hi Sarah,

I just wanted to say well done for feeling that you can be very open with everyone on NMP. I think you deserve immense credit for having the courage and tell us your story by the looks of it, I don’t think it could have been easy seeing it there in black in white.

My counsellor many years ago made me write everything down she felt that it helped if you could see it and sometimes it is easier than talking about it. I certainly feel this will help you and I feel silly now because my life doesn’t seem as half traumatic as yours. I don’t mean seem to be rude as I’m sure you have had many good moments and happy moments as we all do.

It is funny how a lot of women on this forum suffer panic attacks and anxiety as result of bad treatment for men. I personally think it is disgusting and don’t understand how any one can treat a women like half the women on this forum have been treated.

There is one thing I owe a lot to my mum for and that is the respect she made show women and I think that is in valuable. Here is hoping you find the right method for controlling your attacks and I’m sure you will and have a happily and fulfilling life.

Robert ;)

27-03-06, 11:46
hi robert,
yes when i read it back i felt so much anger, which i havent 4 a long time. with my counsellor next week i have to so i just thought i would start somewhere.

I dont think its about being brave, think its about accepting that thats all going to be the past of your life.

its a lot easier to write someone thing on here because nobody knows me.

never think that you your life wasnt that bad robert, just because you heard some worse off. everyone hurts different, to what might destroy you other it wouldnt bother and the other way round. no matter what hurt is hurt.

thank you for your reply
luv sarah xx


27-03-06, 12:32
Thank Sarah,

I just felt your post warranted more than a few lines and like you said it is just about you accepting that the past is the past and moving on. Once this is all behind you, you will be able to live the life you have always wanted.

If we didn’t all make mistakes in life we wouldn’t be who we are today granted we would all like to change something in our life’s but we can’t so we just need to accept it. I hope everything goes good with your counsellor there are so many crap ones but equally there are good ones just about finding what is right for you.

Thanks again for your reply it was very nice and put a smile on my face.

Robert ;)

27-03-06, 13:14
hello Sarah,i do beleive you are a courageous person ,as it takes great courage to move on with our lives,and leave the past where it belongs.You are full of wisdom as your replies to robert[hello robert]show.I do believe you are on your way to self discovery and healing,Sarah,i really do.I think the counselling will help you get rid of your anger and your grief too.I wish you love and light for your journey.love Mary-rose.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

we are all in the same boat and can guide each other ashore

Ma Larkin
27-03-06, 13:25
Hi Sarah, I'm so sorry you had such a tough life, more than most I would imagine. I had some pretty harrowing times myself, but nowhere near as bad as yours. I am really impressed with your positiveness now. Until we believe in ourselves we can't expect others to, we just let them walk all over us & abuse us in whatever way they can. Once you respect yourself Sarah, you will will find the happiness you deserve, believe me because I turned my life around too after years of unhappiness. I won't say I'm there 100% yet, but its getting easier. Never under-estimate yourself Sarah, set yourself some goals or achievements & get rid of all the people in your life who are just no good. You'll soon make new friends & this site is a great start. You've made the first step in opening up & you'll get so much reassuring advice on this site.

Well done for taking that first step.

Les, xx

27-03-06, 13:25
Hi Sarah,

Welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends.

Take care

Trac xx

'Live your life with arms wide open, today is where your book begins, the rest is still unwritten'

27-03-06, 13:52
one of the hardest things i find at the moment is stoping people walking all over me, maybe because im scared to change it as its all i know. i will cuz i have started to see that i do dersevre better even if i am a little sod lol.

i hold the key to my happiness, but changing is the hardest thing ill ever have to do. counselling i hope will help me find my happiness.


27-03-06, 14:12
those wise words again Sarah,ooh you are so very nearly there girl!!i do think ,like you say,that we can cling on to self destructive patterns of behaviour,it's safe,as you said 'all we know'But you are awakening to your new life Sarah,it's staring to fit into place isn't it!And the need to please others will get less and less as you learn to love youreslf,as you said,you deserve better,YOU GO GIRL!!Love mary-rose.xxxxxxxxxxxxx

we are all in the same boat and can guide each other ashore

27-03-06, 14:15
well sarah , good on you for thinking other s are worse off, for i dont think anyone could have a dry eye after reading your story. but to tell us all this and then say you must live in hope and not make your future out of the wrongs of your past , is brave and a lesson to us all

i just know you will love thhis site and that it will love you

your just great anmd your just right. life goes on , lets try to live it the best we can

easier said than done but i know that is what we all want

good luck

Ma Larkin
27-03-06, 14:16
You're probably right Sarah. Only you can change the way things work out for you. I was exactly the same as you. I'm having counselling sessions now & do you know I didn't mention me until I'd had 10 sessions!! It was everyone else & my counsellor didn't even mention it, she just sat there, never judged me, listened & offered great advice & when I finally mentioned myself I though she was going to have heart attack!! She jumped off her chair and said "Finally!! You talked about yourself for the first time!!" I've been walked all over all my life & it won't happen again. I will never ever let myself be used again. I'm a great believer in there is someone out there for everyone & I'll always bear that in mind. We all have obstacles in life, you've had more than your fair share, but you can overcome them, you can change to be the person you want to be with determination but most of all because you believe in yourself. Its not you that's the problem Sarah, & you probably don't need to change, you just need to trust your instincts & get rid of all the people who have used & abused you throughout your life. You can do it & you'll appreciate yourself much more.

Les, xx

27-03-06, 14:18
hiya mary rose thank you so much for that reply it brought a tear to my eye. im 21 and i hate myself for not finding the way through earlier.

i just hope you are right. im so gratefull because since i joined this site i havent had a pa, even though i talk bout them all the time.

i found my courage, cuz now i want to love myself and want the help i need. i believe accepting you have a problem is the start of everything. thank you again mary rose its every hard to believe that someone does have faith in me. ill accept that, which normally i dont. thank you

love sarah xxxx


27-03-06, 14:36
sarah,you sweet girl!we all have faith in you,you have moved US to tears with your story and your courage too!I am sooo gladyou have not had PA in a whie ,,it's all part of the recovery!You look and think ,i haven't had a PAand it'sbeen ages,or you will do something that before would scare you and you have done it ithout thinking!YOU ARE TRULY ON YOUR WAY TO A NEW LIFE!I f you ever want to pm me please do.Think you are fabulous.love mary-rose.xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

we are all in the same boat and can guide each other ashore