View Full Version : Anxiety when trying to quit smoking

13-01-11, 16:34
Hi, I was just wondering if anybody has any experience with stopping smoking.
I stopped smoking recently and was using the patches and inhalator, day 1 went ok, day 2 was awful my anxiety just went crazy, i felt like i couldn't breath and by tea time i was sat crying. I managed to last 5 days in total and the anxiety did not get any better, it was terrible. I also started to feel depressed and was fighting back tears while i was at work.
On the 6th day i started smoking again and am back smoking 25-30 a day now (have been for 2 days)
I am desperate to quit smoking, i am terrified that i will become seriously ill due to smoking and my partner and i want to have another child.
I just dont understand how i can cope with the anxiety levels.
If anyone has any advice or has been through this i would appreciate any advice you have. Its also worth mentioning that i am quite stressed at the moment by other issues too but i am hoping this wont hinder me quitting too much.
many thanks

13-01-11, 16:58
Well done Sarah, your anxiety will be increased just now as your body is craving nicotine. But it will pass and the anxiety will ease with every "fag free" day you have.

Try to stay strong, giving up is hard but worth it.

If this helps, I am watching a friend suffer with emphasemia - don't know if thats the right spelling. She has smoked all her life and in her late 50's. She is great company, very attractive, started using a wheelchair 2 years ago and has just spent 3 weeks in hospital and is now home but has to have oxygen. she has just become a granny, it breaks my heart though coz she will is so poorly and is so sick because of smoking.

Even if you have a little blip because of your stress I hope this inspires you to keep trying to quit.

Good luck xx