View Full Version : Embarassing but desperate.

13-01-11, 17:22
Hey guys.

I kinda have this embarassing question But I'm desperate for an answer. I was masterbating earlier and all was good I guess.

But towards the end(climax) my heart started pounding extra hard with a few ectopics and I got this weird sensations like adrenaline rushes. These rushes were felt under my left chest.

I wasn't out of breath nor was I in pain. But after I finished I felt my heart pounding away for about a minute until it eventually calmed down.

I just wana know if anyone ever felt this and if its normal? These past few days Ive been feeling better with my heart fear as I managed to get some exercise which included jogging(something I really feard).
My cousin has aWii Fit and I did a lot of yoga with some aerobic exercises.

13-01-11, 18:00

13-01-11, 19:16
I guess no one gets this.....:ohmy:

13-01-11, 19:36
Obviously I am female but just to say from experience of men I have heard it said before that they have had a pounding heartbeat afterwards and feel very lightheaded. Your blood pressure goes up and your heart beats alot faster etc etc so its nothing to worry about. There aren't many men on this board so you may have to wait a bit for an answer from a male!

13-01-11, 20:14
Thanks for answering CountryGirl. I really appreciate the repsonse. Ive just been very sensitive to my heart these past few weeks.

My anxiety is centered around my heart. I had got over this last summer when I started exercising but ever since winter started and I cant get much done, Ive become really unfit and hence, my anxiety/panic attacks have resurfaced. On top of that I suffer from really bad reflux which also gives me troubling symptoms( heart plaps, shortess of breath, night time panic, burping, chest pains).

I cant wait until Spring when I get back on my bike and start exercising again.

13-01-11, 20:40
I'm going to stick my neck out here Mark and comment, afterall, my reputation on here is pretty much shot to pieces anyway!

As a man who lives alone, obviously there are times when nature will take its course and remind me that I am nevertheless despite my Anxiety, a red blooded male and, like most human beings will become sexually aroused.

In fact, let's face it, an orgasm is quite an intense thing to happen to our bodies and therefore will produce various amounts of excitement and results (I'm trying to be as Diplomatic as I can here).

Also, Anxiety sufferers will notice either a complete loss of libido or an increase. Again, don't forget that during an orgasm, our heart will go into 'overdrive' anyway.

It is therefore my belief that your Anxiety had some part to play in this occurance you suffered and you hit the jackpot. Probably no harm done.

Relieving sexual tension according to one book I read, can be a good way of dealing with Anxiety and apparently it stated that it can even make you healthier if done on a very regular basis!!! Not sure about that being as I'm not a Sex Therapist or Doctor.

However, on a lighter note regarding a very regular basis. Personally, I attempted this, and I am now banned from Tesco!! (UK Supermarket)

Don't worry.


13-01-11, 20:54
yah no worries friend i have had this happen after intercourse. Your fine!

13-01-11, 22:38
~Giggle Giggle horse - of course your reputation is not shot to pieces on here you have all the women hanging onto your every word!:D

My husband has just said will I stop giggling and snorting on the computer until I show him your posts then he grins as well.

Maybe you ought to try asda instead!

13-01-11, 22:55
Sounds like you're getting it spot on to me :D

No point in having a 'Tommy Tank' if it doesn't get your blood pumping.

I'm not thinking of anxiety and depression at the time either that's for sure!
