View Full Version : cipralex or steraline

13-01-11, 17:42
I have had both in the past and both worked for me, but which are people using and which do they feel worked for them? Least side effects etc..

15-01-11, 19:44
I partly aks this, because I have the package leaflet for both from last time I took [Both times Health Anxiety], the Sertaline list they are ar for: Depression, OCD and PSTD. Whereas the Cipralex lists Depression, OCD, Panic Disorder, GAD and Social anxiety disorder.
Are some SSRIs better for certain disorders than others?

15-01-11, 19:57
Hi there, i really think, as annoying as it is, it really is a case of trial nd error. Cipralex worked for me twice in the past really well, though not this time. I am now trying sertraline will keep you posted!xx

09-02-11, 05:42
I've been on both, but hardly enough time to notice side effects. I started Cipralex halfway through being on Citalopram because I ran out of my prescription for Cit and had an old one for Cipralex still..
I was on Sertraline for like, a month and liked it.