View Full Version : emotional numbness

13-01-11, 18:05
Hi - i really suffer from anxiety with some days better than the other lately i really suffer from feeling a lack of emotions and my mind just goes blank and numb and i start to think im going to lose my mind or something and have trouble feeling myself

does anyone else suffer from this

mr badger
13-01-11, 18:40
I do find meds damp down my full range of emotions, but they're still there.

Are you feeling especially tired or worn out?

13-01-11, 18:52
just dont feel myself - i have been smoke more cigarettes than usual and just find myself really anxious

paula lynne
13-01-11, 18:56
Hi dc, have you discussed this with your GP?

13-01-11, 19:08
yes he thinks its stress, i been stress at work and expecting and baby with my partner its our first one

13-01-11, 19:13
I felt like this for ages .I was sufferring with Depression and Anxiety .Its the bodys way of protecting you .Its not nice tho .It sounds like you need some help .Try to get plenty of rest and try some meditation or relaxation techniques ,they will help you desensitize your nerves ..Perhaps you have just overloaded your nervous system and not realised it . Anxiety can sometimes be caused by this. It can sometimes be caused by physical reasons too ,.Blood tests will diagnose if this is the reason tho .Cut down on the cigs and caffeine it makes anxiety worse .Take care luv Sue x

14-01-11, 12:30
i feel like this too sometimes espesh since ive gone on meds :( its horrible xxx

14-01-11, 12:45
I too often feel like that and I too am on meds...I just try and get on with it...it passes sometimes...seems to come in periods.


17-01-11, 13:18
I can sit in the same comment emotionally control conversion's with people, and painful for the opportunities that might have said something wrong - but it could be absurd. Do not try to diagnose, but you can get a little obsessive-compulsive LIABILITY - recently approved in the form of obsessive-compulsive disorder.