View Full Version : Stomach/Back ache????????

13-01-11, 19:54
Today i have been getting sudden stabbing pains in the left to middle side of my lower to mid back sometimes accompanied by severe stomach cramps. I feel constipated also

My OH has had the flu but dont know if this is related

Any ideas please on what it is/may be


macc noodle
13-01-11, 22:04
Could be a virus - we have all had a nasty virus in my house and I have experienced a bad back just below my bra strap line and also stabbing pains on the left hand side of my upper abdomen!

I have not worried too much about it and just put it down to part of the virus - if I am no better in a couple of weeks will see doc.

Hope you feel better soon.


14-01-11, 05:46
You say you feel constipated, that could be the reason for the pain, I get similar pain when I am.

14-01-11, 05:57
When I had pain like that, it turned out to be gallstones. I didn't have symptoms until my gall bladder became infected and inflamed.

14-01-11, 09:09
i have no idea - have managed to go to the toilet but still in agony :(

14-01-11, 10:16
Could be tension, i get it in my stomach and back, i just need to learn to relax xx