View Full Version : Tight chest and wheezing

13-01-11, 21:06
I am the first to admit I'm unfit. But I'm really worried as every time I try to any sort if exercise, even just walking up and down the stairs, down the street I get really tight chested and short I'd breath or wheezy.

I have a real heart fear as s lot if you will know and I'm convinced I've got a weak heart if dine irregularity etc.

I've just found out I'm having a baby and am scared stiff my body can't cope with it. I'm unfit fit z start but am not overweight.

14-01-11, 06:38

14-01-11, 07:13
Congratulations about the baby what lovely news! Is the breathing problem a recent thing? It could be a virus or even an allergy causing asthma type symptoms. If everything has been ruled out by the dr then I expect its the horrible anxiety. You have had lots of tests on your heart so you can be sure that your heart is fine. Have you had a baby before? Your body is built to make and carry a baby so please try not to worry, I had the worst health anxiety during my 2nd pregnancy, was convinced I wouldn't make it through the labour but my daughter is one now and I'm still here! Xx

14-01-11, 12:50
Thanks. It's very early days but this us my second. So I know what's coming and I think that's where my worries lie baby wise. I don't like feeling ill. I had a section with my first do haven't gone through the rigours of labour. I don't remember feeling so utterly exhausted so early on last time so that us adding to my chest worries.

14-01-11, 13:04
I've just seen how apauling my spelling is in my post. That's Internet on phones for you, apologies!

14-01-11, 13:18
Oh I remember the tiredness well! I couldn't move from the sofa, I remember nodding off only to wake up to my unsteady 16 month old stood on the sofa arm! Lol. I know breathlesness is also a sign of anemia which is very common in pregnancy I had in both of mine and felt lots better on iron. I read your posts dodo and I could have written them, sometimes it even spooks me a little bit how similar our symptoms are, but then I find it very reasurring that this must mean its anxiety and not something physical. Now we just need to work out how 2 get rid of the anxiety! Take care xx

14-01-11, 14:03
Ty your reply means a lot. I've had bloods not long back which said my iron was fine so no worries there. I know I'm in line to be a pin cushion again lol.

Your lo was about the same age as mine is when you were pregnant. I'm really anxious about having a second because of how young my first is. They'll just be starting their terrible twos!

I lost the link to my other post about my chest side pain which you may have read. This is something that's bothering me a lot.

I really need to up my fitness level but with the tiredness I haven't got a hope at the moment!

14-01-11, 14:18
My little boy was 20 month old when my 2nd arrived, its hard work but there are lots of positives. My son started terrible 2's from about 8 month old so I was used to it by then! Some days I'm too busy to be anxious so that's always good! I will pm you sometime and we can compare notes with everything, always nice 2 know your not alone! Xx

14-01-11, 15:34
Congratulations on the pregnancy!! I would try dealing with the tiredness first and then worry about the exercise if I were you.

14-01-11, 17:43
Have you had your bloods taken, a blood count to test for anaemia sounds like it might be in order ? I felt dreadful when anaemic, let alone breathing problems, I felt like I had permanent flu.

15-01-11, 09:40
Yes I had dome bloods done a few weeks back for something else and they were normal. I'm not far enough along to have pregnancy blood tests yet.

Frozen in fear
15-01-11, 09:56
Ty your reply means a lot. I've had bloods not long back which said my iron was fine so no worries there. I know I'm in line to be a pin cushion again lol.

Your lo was about the same age as mine is when you were pregnant. I'm really anxious about having a second because of how young my first is. They'll just be starting their terrible twos!

I lost the link to my other post about my chest side pain which you may have read. This is something that's bothering me a lot.

I really need to up my fitness level but with the tiredness I haven't got a hope at the moment!Hi have you had bnp blood test this is a blood test for the heart ive got a heart problem so ive had this test My chest tightness is anxiety because i worry about my heart problem so focus on my heart and breathing then panic

15-01-11, 13:25
I've only had echo and ECG etc no bloods. The dr didn't think I needed them I assume.