View Full Version : Severe Anxiety, left arm tingling really really stressed

13-01-11, 21:52
Hi Im really really stressed and think Im losing it completely. I have a noisy neighbour above me who bangs and thumps well into the night. I havent slept properly for 3 nights Ive been taking valium 3 nights in a row. I have a friend coming tomorrow who is lovely but very emotionally demanding and Ive got to have an endoscopy on 4th February and next friday I have to go to the dentist and have a feeling and I also have an exam to sit in 4 weeks time which I have done no work for because Im so stressed and I have been eating massives of sugar and I am a type 2 diabetic. I really feel I cant cope any more I want to run out into the street and scream. I have had shoulder pain and left arm tingling and the occassional palpitations then I read about someone who had a heart attack the same age as me. I am now worried it is going to happen to me. Am I going mad, 10 years ago I was in hospital for 7 months due to bi-polar and I am always worried about going back.

13-01-11, 21:57
no your not going mad you just sad the biggest thing.

your stressed out
our bodys have to cope somehow when we stress ythem out.
really hjope you feel ok soon try to relax hunxx

paula lynne
13-01-11, 22:43
Hiya, my left hand has been tingling all day, its driving me up the wall! My palps are bad today, so logically I know its my anxiety, biting me on the bum and saying DONT FORGET ABOUT ME!..try re-breathing in a paper bag. Have a bath. Put the past hospital admission out of your mind tonight...read, watch tv, listen to music.

If youve been eating lots of sugar, no wonder your feeling crap being a diabetic.

Make a plan to start some work on the weekend, youve got 4 weeks left.....just do half an hour......

You are not going mad. You are stressed. Start again tomorrow...make a list of the important stuff and dont sweat the small stuff.

Stop the sugar ok, you dont need me to tell you thats a dangerous game to play.
Try and relax tonight.

13-01-11, 22:44
poor thing you are have stress, stress, stress STRESS

You won't have a heart attack but it sounds like you are under a lot of (temporary) pressure

Can you do anything about the neighbour? Tried complaining? Or explaining to them the problems it causes?
What about postponing your friend's visit next time they try to come over?

You are still young and you can make lots of choices/have lots of options that can reduce your stress. This and anxiety are the problem, not the heart stuff

While I worry about a lot of health related things I don't worry about my heart at all, funnily enough. I keep fairly fit, eat OK, etc but just don't worry about it. I can see that many people who post on here about palpitations etc, are way over reacting and excessively concerned about their heart (GPs can spot heart problems pretty quickly)

I think that is how MOST people who don't have health anxiety regard illness, and that is the state I want to get to with cancer for example - which I do worry about.

13-01-11, 23:30
Ive postponed my friend and he was really understanding still majorly anxious but glad hes not coming I can lie in and try to relax tomorrow