View Full Version : Was going Citalopram cold turkey a mistake :S

14-01-11, 01:11
My boyfriend goes to uni at the opposite end of the country, so he's been home for a month over christmas. He's so supportive and I come to depend on him alot when we spend long periods of time together :weep:. During Christmas, I missed quite a few Cits, and didn't really feel too different, so decided, perhaps now is the time to just leave them alone, ('if not now, when?' kinda thinking) So I did :unsure:. I was fine for about a fortnight, and then, literally the day after he left, I couldn't get out of bed. I've found it difficult to leave the house again and cry constantly, and I can never sleep at night, but just have panic attack after panic attack which keeps me up. But since I went cold turkey I faint, I feel sick, I have headaches, and I have csytitis pretty much constantly. I just think, that apart from the physical things, I was pretty happy without the meds while my bf was home, but as soon as he left I was a mess. Maybe it's not anything physical that can be cured with drugs, but I should ask for a talking therapy?

I have no idea whats best here, and I know I was silly to just stop taking them, but it's so easy when your on top of the world :/. I don't know whether to just push through now. Im going to see my GP on wed, and I'll have to explain to her whats going on :wacko:. I don't want to think I'm just being melodramatic and relying on my boyfriend too much. I'm also really scared because we spent so much time together, he'd generally be there when I fainted, now I'm worried it will happen when I'm alone.

Does anyone have any advice at all?? I know It's a really confusing post, I just don't know what to do :(
Has anyone been through a similar thing??

paula lynne
14-01-11, 01:20
Hi x
I havent taken cit, but have others. You def should see your gp like you say, and ask for a structured safe reducing dose. The thing that stands out for me is the separation issues. I think you need to try and get a better grip on your anx when you are apart. Reading up on self-esteem, anx, panic, etc helps. Get a paper bag and learn how to re-breathe. Look into using aromatherapy oils. Get some relaxing calm music for when you feel panic. Believe in yourself. You can beat this x LOVE your avatar x

14-01-11, 08:02
First off, if you still have some cit, start taking them every day again now.

You cant come off them cold turkey, it causes all sorts of problems - my doctor reckoned a structured reduction in dose over 4 months was a lot more realistic.

Its also quite possible your better mood was a combination of xmas and your bf being home, so missing a few days wouldnt have made a major difference to your moods.

14-01-11, 09:31
I agree with Paula Lynne and Mike, you need to come off them by reducing them, as your body needs to be able to adjust itself properly.

14-01-11, 11:41
Hi. :)

I'm just going to add a gentle note of disagreement, (:winks:) it is possible to come off Citalopram cold turkey as I stopped mine last October after taking 20mg daily for 6 months.

BUT..I really would advise against it and do agree with the others that a structured slower withdrawal is the wisest route to take.

I never had any side effects when starting Cit but did I go through it when I stopped them! I thought I was prepared but really wasn't, it also took a long time for the side effects to stop occuring.

I would definitely see your GP about having therapy too as this will enable you to cope better and for you to have a smooth tapering off from your medication.

Good luck :flowers: