View Full Version : Help , bad night terrors every night

14-01-11, 10:57
I used to be best friends with a girl that lives about 10 or so houses up from me , we used to hang out everyday and was really close for about 2 years, then after bout year and half i started to notice the things she said didn't add up. She kept making up stories and lying, she became obsessive, she would constantly knock on the door and if we didn't answer she would ring us and text and if we said we was busy she would wait on door step for us. It came to the point were i couldn't deal with her any more so I said that I didn't want to be friends with her any more.( after she traumatised my 6 year old next door neighbour) She didn't understand and started to say that she loved me and her live wasn't worth living if I wasn't in it. She started harrasing me and stalking me, she would hide behind cars to try and catch a glimpse of me. We got the police involved and she stopped for a while but now she has started again she hasn't tried talking to me but keeps coming down to my house and looking in and stuff. It scares me a lot and now because of this i have had to move rooms with my mom and sister i keep curtains closed if i cant see out i wont leave house if i no she is out there and im getting daily night terrors, they are very bad and very realistic and they trouble me all day i feel like im not safe anywhere, even in my own home im trapped . Can anyone suggest anything. im sorry for my rant

14-01-11, 11:06
Hi Wildcat, sorry you are going through this. Time to speak to the police again? Or have you tried getting help from either of these organisations:

SupportLine Telephone Helpline: 01708 765200, email info@supportline.org.uk - Providing emotional support and details of counsellors, support groups and agencies throughout the UK

The National Stalking Helpline: 0300 636 0300 www.stalkinghelpline.org – Practical advice and information to anyone who is currently or previously been effected by harassment or stalking.

I hope you get thing sorted out :hugs:

14-01-11, 11:27
This sounds terrifing, I'm really sorry:hugs:

Like Jane said, I think it's time to get the police involved again. And maybe speak to your neighbour about talking to the police as well for terrorising her 6 year old son.

Also, It may cost abit to set up but i'd get security cameras installed (they dont have to be top of the range expensive ones), where your front door is, and where your bedroom window is, so you have evidence. (Even webcams may be a good subsitute if they record all day).
And keep a diary everyday of what she is doing.

All this will help your case.

09-02-11, 12:29
thanks for the advice i will try that,