View Full Version : sad, lonely, stressed, depressed

14-01-11, 13:25
Hi there... I'm certainly not new to mental health illness but this is the first time i've posted on a forum.

Im 30 and female and sitting in my bed once again, frightened to even get out. Ive been on various medications for the past 2 years, had counselling and but up and down like a yo-yo but it's mostly been down.

I'm at a loss, I have amazing friends, a wonderful husband and supportive family but for some reason this wont register in my head. I am constantly convinced I am a failure and let everyone down.

I have my own retail business but it suffering really badly as I'm never there to take care of it, I just cant deal with it anymore. If I even think a little bit about it I have panic attacks and land up in an awful state (typing this is making me feel panicky!)

Anyhoo, hello everyone - desperate to go into the chat rooms but as I'm a newbie it wont let me :scared10:

14-01-11, 13:31
Hi louper

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

14-01-11, 13:38
Hi louper,

Welcome to NMP

Sorry to hear you are feeling so down :hugs:

Take some time to read the articles on the left hand side of the forum and keep posting to get the help and support you need.

di xx

14-01-11, 14:21
Hi Louper,

Sorry to hear that you are feeling so down!! You have come to the right place for support. There are lots of us here who totally understand what you are going through and can share advice etc.

I think its great that you have an understanding husband and family. Please dont think of yourself as a failure as you are not, it is the illness that makes you feel that way.

Are you taking any meds at the moment??

I have felt exactly like you and have got better so it can be done, its just a case of getting the right treatment and support....you will get there....you'll see.

Take care and hope you find support and help here.


Vanilla Sky
14-01-11, 17:57
Hi and welcome to NMP :welcome:
Paige x