View Full Version : scared of swine flu/normal flu/sinus infection

14-01-11, 13:50
Hi, i have been suffering with pains in nose/forehead for 2 weeks. Is a sinus issue something that needs antio biotics. I have been feeling nauseus all week and nowt i have tickly feeling in throat like i want to cough but im not. scared my sinus issue may spread to my brain or my lungs will fail if i have flu :(
Also i burp a lot, constipation still and stomach pains along with nausea.

14-01-11, 13:59
oh also been suffering from blurry eyes.

14-01-11, 15:32
Hi Emma

I posted something about swine flu a few days ago - if you do a search under my name, you should find it. If you'd got swine flu, you'd be lying in your bed feeling too ill to move!!

Sinus infections are really common after cold viruses, but they can make you feel grotty.

You only tend to need antibiotics for it if you're in severe pain, or if you're getting loads of green or yellow infected discharge when you blow your nose (sorry, too much info!).

14-01-11, 16:10
thank you made me feel better. Also ive been producing a lot of clear watery discharge for the last two days. its a lot to make my undies feel wet. i had a period two weeks ago. logically im thinking is this from ovulation or organ failure lol. i have a slight stomach ache to

14-01-11, 16:55
also got pain under my breasts, chest and slightly in my back at moment

14-01-11, 17:00
Hi Em.ma. I wouldn't worry about the discharge. I have it too sometimes and normally after my period. I've had that for years and nothing bad has ever happened. It's only if it's discoloured and has an odour (too much info?) that you would have to go see your Dr and then it would something that could easily be treated. Love L

14-01-11, 17:03
hi thanks. it does have a slight odor to it. :S

14-01-11, 17:04
will it be ok to leave it till monday though lol

14-01-11, 17:07
The odour im talking about would be really bad. The odour you're talking about is probably normal for us. But if you're really concerned just go see your Dr to put your mind at rest but DON'T GOOGLE it. I think in this case the dr would be more concerned if it was discoloured. Lx

14-01-11, 17:11
thanks. i dont know how bad normal odour is though lol. ive always got a lot of funny smells from down there. it does smell quite bad but yet again i dont know bad is not good (tmi sorry lol)
do nurses deal with these sort of problems, as id proberly like to make an app. to see one instead of my doc. for this kind of issue.

14-01-11, 17:13
also getting sounds from chest/stomach at moment cud the chest pain be heartburn? ahhh going out my mind with worry its annoying.

14-01-11, 17:20
I think leaving it till monday would be absolutely fine. The nurses in my dr surgery don't see patients for that sort of thing. It depends on the surgery I suppose. If your dr isn't a female could you not request to see a female dr.

14-01-11, 17:44
also been urinating slightly more than usual (even though havnt drank anymore than i usually do)

14-01-11, 17:45
thanks, will proberly go down there on monday and ask. just worried its something really terrible lol.

14-01-11, 17:59
also still convinced of ear infection because when i saw the doc with a cold he said there was something slight on one my ear drums and i can still feel something there now (is this just an after effect of a cold to :() really not feeling good this evening.

14-01-11, 18:21
i dont know if its because im near ovulating but there is a LOT of it and i feel slightly itchy but i think thats nerves lol

macc noodle
14-01-11, 19:10
Emma, hun, here we go again. Please look back at your posts in December - you are really suffering from dreadful anxiety and you just keep going round and round in circles.

You need to go and see the doc - make yourself an appointment when you haven't got AS exams and get the ball rolling.

With regard to odours "down below" - if you are not eating properly you can suffer, also if you are suffering Health Anxiety you may well be imagining that the odour is worse than it really is.

Try and do something nice this evening to take your mind of thinking about your aches and pains and worries all the time - what about a movie or a good magazine??

Take care


14-01-11, 20:31
im really scared at the thought of dying though :(

14-01-11, 21:45
also i just got the not breathing thing for two seconds again. scary. i actually cant breathe for a few seconds i still have the feeling in my throat that its gonna happen again.

14-01-11, 22:24
also been burping a lot and just vomited a lot in my mouth

14-01-11, 22:24
really worried that im going to chock. i get weired throat feelings a lot BUT i know the not being able to take in air for 2 seconds isnt normal