View Full Version : Sleep Apnea

14-01-11, 14:34
This is another thing mentioned by the dentist yesterday.

Don't know how they can tell that i might be suffering from it but was told to go and see my GP, I'm sure something to do with my tonsils made them say about Sleep Apnea.

I do get tired quite a lot in the day so who knows, Just have to wait and see.

14-01-11, 14:41
Have you been to your gp? My auntie took my uncle to the doctors cos he was keeping the whole house awake at night with his snoring and sometimes she had to nudge him in the night because it was like he stopped breathing anyway doc wanted him testing for sleep apnea, so he got a machine and mask he had to wear for bed still waiting on the results. Let us know how you get on! X

14-01-11, 15:05
Not yet can't get in until Tuesday but i know i snore loud, I have always been told that but don't know if i stop breathing or not.

14-01-11, 15:11
Well by the sounds of it this machine diagnosis it so shouldn't be too hard to tell if you have it:) x

14-01-11, 15:25
I know a bit about this as my ex-husband suffers from severe sleep apnoea (when he was tested overnight he stopped breathing around 30 times an hour!).

Snorers are more likely to get it, as they tend to have larger tonsils and more flesh at the back of the throat. That might be what the dentist picked up. However, the only way to get it diagnosed accurately is to have a night in a sleep laboratory, where you are monitored for changes in breathing.

If you have sleep apnoea, you're likely to be given a CPAP machine which blows air into your nose and helps to keep your airways open.

paula lynne
14-01-11, 17:59
I read several thesis on this, and quite a few of the sufferers are overweight. Its also hereditary in some cases.

14-01-11, 20:01
Interestingly this condition often leads to bruxism, Eggy.

15-01-11, 03:47
Dentists can tell because people with Sleep Apnea tend to grind their teeth in a certain way.

15-01-11, 13:53
If anyone doesn't like looking at things like tonsils or stuff in the mouth look away now.

My tonsils are always like this but i seem to have tonsil stones too (i think the yellow bit in the corner of one of the tonils could be one.)


15-01-11, 14:37
It could be Eggy or it could be trapped food.

I know it sounds gross but have you tried picking it out?

15-01-11, 14:59
Good grief,Eggy. Looks like some thing out of a horror film!!

15-01-11, 16:04
I don't think my tonsils are normal to be honest, Look at them!!! I should have them taken out they always bother me.

15-01-11, 16:39
Just a thought Eggy but it may be a good idea to forwarn us sufferers whenever you post a picture first!