View Full Version : Health Anxiety.....My Story So Far....

14-01-11, 16:07
I am new to posting in this forum although I have already read many posts which have helped me enormously – thank you all for your help so far.
I’m a 30 year old female and I’ve struggled with health anxiety for a while....... I believe it probably stemmed from the death of a close relative who had a short but rather horrible battle with cancer.
In the past two years I have been convinced I’ve had stomach cancer, breast cancer and various other illnesses. I usually become fixated on one thing at a time and then have a good couple of months followed by a new symptom or illness. I rarely like to go to the doctors, it usually has to build up to something major in my mind first because my symptoms are usually very vague and I’m sort of conscious of what I thinking is silly. Early this year was the worst where I actually got referred for a lump in my breast (which thankfully turned out to be nothing) and I had trouble thinking about little else...it’s been a major issue since i.e. always checking for new lumps but I thought I was coping.
About 4 weeks ago I visited a friend in hospital (she was fine just a routine op) and I was a little anxious because I HATE hospitals. About 30 minutes into my visit I felt hot, sick, light headed and felt I just needed to get out of there. I felt disappointed in myself but put it down to anxiety although this had never happened to me before. Two weeks later I experienced a similar feeling at work in a meeting which freaked me out and came out of nowhere. Since that day I had lightheaded feelings for almost two weeks, feelings got worse when I was talking to people and in situations where I couldn’t escape easily. The feelings went for around a week but then almost completely subsided until I got some other symptoms – I have a throat infection and a slight stomach upset which obviously set me off googling symptoms etc and the light headed feeling returned. I’m over thinking I’m going to die of a throat infection (I went to the doctors 2 days ago and they checked BP which was all ok and said I probably had a virus) – I don’t like to mention my anxiety as I always think they will misdiagnose me due to that. But my light headed symptoms persist. I’m worrying what if this isn’t anxiety?? I do feel that it’s worse in more stressful situations (like talking to people), when i'm less distracted or when I’m really tired but I don’t feel like I’m hyperventilating or getting a rapid heartbeat. I don’t think the light headed is related to the virus/cold symptoms although I’m scared it might be – is it a heart problem or even leukaemia!! :unsure:
This whole thing is stressing me out – I can’t cope with it. I wake up feeling depressed each day and would give anything to go back to feeling normal. I want to be ok and try talking myself out of it but it’s so hard. It helps to know others are in a similar boat.

14-01-11, 16:09
Hi russet

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

14-01-11, 16:53
Hi Russet,


I have similar worries to you. I suffer from what I term as "severe" health anxiety and have done for many years. I am 37 now and this has been going on for YEARS!! The main symptoms for me now and in the past have been the lightheadedness, unsteadiness, feeling like I am going to faint / pass out plus the nausea, upset stomach, fast heartbeat, shaky legs, hot flushes etc etc - you name it I have it. I was so convinced I had something wrong with my brain and heart that I arranged to see a private neurologist and cardiologist (separately of course) and ended up having a brain scan and ECG / Echocardiagram. Granted it cost quite a bit of money but it did put my mind at rest. Unfortunately with the lightheadedness it doesn't matter how much I tell myself that it is anxiety I always end up googling symptoms which result in something very serious !!!!!! Life with health anxiety is never DULL!!!!!

I hope this might have helped you. Are you on any anti depressant medicines? I am currently on Seroxat but trying desperately to withdraw. Mind you the physical symptoms of withdrawal are just as bad as the anxiety symptoms - vicious circle!!!!

Hope you feel better soon


14-01-11, 17:31
im a health anxiety sufferr to and hae been for 7 years allthogh only now started cbt. I too suffer like yo with a fixation on a specific illness or did. x ive stopped googling hard bt i knew it was making me worse. ive never had tests done was diagnoised with anxiety. I too get very loightheadness and dizziness i hate it xx
hope yo feel better soon xxxx

Vanilla Sky
14-01-11, 18:04
Hi and welcome to NMP :welcome:
Paige x

15-01-11, 02:13
hi russet,
i only joined this site yesterday and this is my first reply, i hope i dont mess it up :blush:, i am 43 years old and have suffered many years with thinking there is something wrong with my health, as my husband keeps trying to reasurre me by saying " you have suffered these symptoms for years now, dont you think something would of happened by now"?? when im not anxious these words make me smile because deep down i know its right, but there is nothing on this earth that can reasurre me that nothing bad is going to happen to me when im in the middle of having a panic about the symptoms!
Im the complete opposite of the previos post, i will not go and seek advice from medical people as im to affraid if they ever told me something was wrong, it takes me all my time to make an appointment to go get my perscription at the momement, and that in itself causes problems as im also coming off seroxat and they wont give me it without being seen, so i HAVE to go.....agggghh nightmare evey month!!:scared15:
i do smypathies with how your feeling its a hard thing to live with,i dont think im the right person to give out advice at the moment but felt i wanted to reply as your storey sounds so familiar. i do hope you feel more like yourself really soon :hugs:

16-01-11, 22:43
Everything everyone else has said above is the same as what I'm going through. I am 51 and have had health anxiety for years. It never really goes away. If I get a lump, bump, pain, sensation I immediately thinks it's something serious. I don't go to the GP staight away but a few days with a symptom and I have to go. My fear now is that the GP won't pick up something if it really is wrong.
I have a lower adominal pain on the left side. I think it could be IBS or ovary pain. I have had a hysterectomy many years ago leaving one ovary. I am now in menopause, have had a few ovarian scans in the last couple of years all normal. I can't keep going for scans, it's ridiclous. But still I will obsess until it takes over my normal living. Last year I was 10 stone, went through a bad time thinkng my headaches were serious lost three stone from starving myself as I didn't want to live. It''s a form of self-harming...I am now nearly 8 stone and living as normal as possible but this stupid pain in my lower left side and starting to get to me. Don't know where this is going to lead.

It's hard to get a grip. I've been here a few times now and it really does get you down. It can cause depression. You have to be ready for it when it hits.

On here really helps as people are going through it all over the world.
