View Full Version : Made redundant today - upset but trying to be positive

14-01-11, 17:17
I was greeted at work today by my manager and someone from HR to tell me that I was being made redundant from 1st Feb :ohmy:

It has come as a complete shock and I have been through a mix of emotions today. Ok one minute then crying the next.

Everyone at work has been fantastic and so sympathetic to me as none of us saw it coming.

They have also made one other guy redundant as well.

They have given me a good "pay off" so I should be ok for money for about 4 months but I guess it was just the shock of it all and the fact that I am going to find it hard to get another job so easily due to my health issues and the fact that I can no longer work a "normal" 9-5.30 job.

I don't know what to do with myself at the moment. One minute I am seeing it as a kick up the backside to do something different with my life and the next I am scared that I will never get back into such a highly paid job.

The company have been fantastic since I was ill in Sept 2008 and took 9.5 months off work sick. I then returned working 9.30 - 3 pm and it has been as much as I could manage.

I have no idea about benefits and what I can and can't get as last time I was made redundant (4 years ago) I was told that as my partner worked I wasn't entitled to any money so now I have to work out who I need to call / see to get at least my NI contributions paid unless I can get any state benefits. :shrug:

Then I have no idea what I am going to do career wise. I work in I.T. but am not sure that is where I want to stay.

Oh it is all too much at the moment to think about. :wacko:

Just a hug would be nice right now as obviously I am upset and in a bit of shock and the future does look a bit scarey at the moment.

Thank You

14-01-11, 17:25
Sorry to hear this. :hugs:

14-01-11, 17:29
:bighug1:So very sorry Nic It must have come as a terrible Shock ..You know my thoughts .Im sure things will work out in the end .Thinking of you and Good luck for the future luv Sue xxxx:bighug1::bighug1::bighug1::bighug1::bighug1:

14-01-11, 17:37
Hi Nic,

so sorry to hear, sending you lots of hugs:


thinking of you and I will keep you in my prayers.



paula lynne
14-01-11, 17:40
This must of been a shock! x
Ok, maybe youve "had your time" there, maybe the door is supposed to close now. As hard as it is to deal with the initial change, maybe, in the future, you could look at using your skills somewhere else....open new doors of opportunity for you, new exciting adventures, meeting new people?

Regardless of anxiety, stuff happens....its up to you what you do with this. You can "Choose" to be pro-active and positive and say "ok, this isnt great but I will deal with it, I can handle it" or let it drag you down.

I say, be angry/depressed/wound up for a week. Let it sink in. Then...start making your plans....youve so many skills...use them. Maybe this is an opportunity for you...wish you all the best x Paula x

14-01-11, 17:42
massive hugs to you
bt remember all the amazing advice you give to the rest of us keep positive


Vanilla Sky
14-01-11, 17:47
Sorry to hear Nic . You know what they say , one door closes and another one opens . Could be a good opportunity for you to really look at something else you would like to do perhaps? It's early days yet and it is a shock to you , after all we spend so much time at work , it becomes part of our life. I hope you find some positive out of it and i wish you luck . In the mean time have some hugs

Love Paige xxxx

14-01-11, 17:48
sorry to hear this sending u some hugs :hugs::hugs::hugs: xxxxxxxxxxxxx

14-01-11, 18:06
Hugs Nic x

14-01-11, 18:10
Dear Nic

I am so sorry to hear about this mate.

It's all too much of a shock for you to make any decissions at the moment regarding your career ect. Please give yourself some time to digest this as you don't have to make any decissions right now.

Here for you


Loads of love my lovely mate

14-01-11, 18:43
Hi Nicola

What an awful shock. But remember redundancy IS NOT personal, it's just a number crunching game and many more of us will be effected in the months to come.

I want to say - DONT PANIC but that;s a bit of a pun really isn't it??? sorry

Take some time to think things through, you have a couple of weeks to wind things up with your current job and you can leave with some pride, this will be the just the start of a rocky time for your current company. In a way they have done you a favour. Having to turn up every day and wonder when its your turn would not do you any good at all.
I remember tough times in the early 90's and can remember that anxiety only too well.

You are having a little pay out which give you a little time to research your options fully.

Sweetie as the others have said this will all work out in time but I know it won't feel that way just now.

Try and do some nice things over the weekend and you will come to terms with this and be able to look forward.

So you suffer from anxiety and it effects your life but it also makes you a very kind, caring person and something good will come of this.

Take good care of yourself - its only a job at the end of the dayxxx

14-01-11, 18:52
To Nicola, Sorry about your redundacy:hugs:I'm sure something will come your way.You always give such good advice to us all. Sorry I cannot help about benefits or such like. Take care XX

14-01-11, 18:52
Nic, so sorry to hear about this. As others have said, do try to put this in the back of your mind for the time you have remaining with the job. Fortunately, the severance package does allow you some breathing space to think about your next move and I am sure you will find the right thing.

It may be a bit much right now, trying to think of what to do after the first of the month as you are still processing the redundancy. Give yourself a chance to breathe and once the initial shock is behind you, it'll be much easier to begin weighing your options. Hugs and loads of good thoughts and prayers for you in the interim.

macc noodle
14-01-11, 19:05
Hi Nicola


"Nil desperandum" as they say - it will all come good in the end you know.

In 12 months time you might be saying it was the best thing that every happened to you.

Try and have a nice weekend and not to worry about it too much. Keep positive and when you are ready to think about what you would like to do in the future - you might just find it a little bit exciting!!!!

I had to reorganise my working life to accomodate my family and my health issues and I can honestly say that going self employed was one of the best things I ever did - freedom, flexibility and fun! (Oh, ok then, I admit some days are absolute pigs but hey when I was employed there were lots of days like that.............)

Take care (PM me if you want any advice about going it alone).


14-01-11, 19:11
Hi Nic,

So sorry to hear about that....just not fair is it?? Someone who helps others so much...you must be gutted.

You just have to take one day at a time until you are ready to seek other work out and am sure you will be successful.


14-01-11, 19:19
Hi Nic,

So sorry to hear your news, it must have been a shock, all I can do is agree with everything the others have said, take some time to digest, be kind to yourself. I am sure it will all work out in the end.



14-01-11, 19:26
Oh no Nic...
I’m so sorry to hear that :hugs:

I’m glad that you’re trying to be positive about it. As wise Ditzy said – try not to take it personally. I’m afraid that’s what I did (and still am doing), and almost 5 years on, reading this still makes me angry thinking about it.

At least you had a reasonable payoff. I found out how it’s calculated and we got paid the bare minimum. It was even calculated to the exact penny, and as the wage was low, the payout was pathetic. And that was all the gratitude I got for almost 30 years service and helping him to an early retirement! :mad:

Stop it Nigel!!!
This is Nic’s thread.

OK... just off to stick another pin in the effigy!

“I have no idea about benefits and what I can and can't get...”

It might be worth having a word with CAB about that. I’m sure things will work out for you. You’re the sort of person who makes things happen :)

“I am upset and in a bit of shock and the future does look a bit scarey at the moment.”

Suppose it is scary... for the time being it might mean spending more time on here with us lot! :roflmao:

Have another hug...:bighug1:

14-01-11, 19:45
Once you get over the shock I'm sure you'll see things differently Nic. I hope this opens new doors and opportunities for you.


Hazel B
14-01-11, 19:53
Oh, I'm so sorry to read this. The "change management" curve shows that people go through all stages when something like this happens: shock, anger, denial etc until the final stage of acceptance. You must still be in shock as this has come from nowhere, so look after yourself and don't make any big decisions just yet.

You are a wonderful person with lots of tranferrable skills, when the time is right you can make the changes you need I'm sure.

Take care.:hugs:x

eternally optimistic
14-01-11, 19:54
Hi Nic

So very sorry to hear your news regarding your job.

I do so hope that you find something else that suits you.

Best wishes.

14-01-11, 20:08
Thank You everyone for all the lovely replies. I am going to sit and go through them all again and will then reply more.

You are all right - it is only a job and I can find something else and at the moment it is shock that has upset me and the unknown.

Failing that Alex has suggested several new careers for me which seem to include pole dancing for some reason :roflmao:

14-01-11, 20:11
Failing that Alex has suggested several new careers for me which seem to include pole dancing for some reason :roflmao:[/QUOTE]

Count me in ...its good excercise :yesyes: :roflmao: sue xx:D

14-01-11, 20:46
Nicola you do a fabulous job here. As others have said "one door closes - another opens" - just take some time out for yourself for a while and then look to the future.

Lesley :hugs:

14-01-11, 21:54
I am so sorry to hear this nic

After everything you have and are going through it must be awful.

I am sure somewhere you will get some happiness, always be here for you hun.

Have a great big :hugs:

di xx

14-01-11, 22:18
Failing that Alex has suggested several new careers for me which seem to include pole dancing for some reason :roflmao:

An excellent career - I have thoroughly enjoyed every club I have been to :D:D:D:D


14-01-11, 22:22
Shame on you alex :lac:

14-01-11, 22:40
Really sorry to hear your news Nic-just try and keep positive-apparently everything happens for a reason so maybe it is the right time for the next chapter in your life.

I did pole dancing lessons for a few months to try and get fit and you end up covered in bruises all over your legs............so if you like wearing short skirts I would say that pole dancing isnt the career for you! Or learn how to do it before the summer so you can cover your legs up whilst it is cold!!


15-01-11, 00:47
Hi Nic,

Sorry to hear about your redundancy, I have been through this recently. I got laid off in the same week of Christmas! I knew for 3 months and another staff got redundant too, and was told to leave within a week and also I was the lucky one who got to stay on until Christmas. My situation is difficult than yours because I am disabled, and I was stressed when I found out that other jobs are about to be cut somewhere else. I feel sorry for these people.

I felt shocked, anger and it brought on panic attacks and anxiety for a while. I imagined my future would be staying at home alot and arguing with my family and being bored. Now I have accepted my redundancy and I am taking things easy, and am trying to keep myself busy, and I'm sure you will find some skills and talents, that you can put to good use.

Good luck and hope to hear some good news from you soon! I know how it feels. I heard there will be more cuts coming up in March. It will be hard to find jobs now. Fingers crossed for us!!!

Starry xx

15-01-11, 01:31
So sorry to hear your news, Nic, been there and it's horrible, particularly when health issues limit your options. I hope things work out well for you :hugs:

15-01-11, 01:42
PS, you are entitled to a limited period of contributions-based Jobseekers Allowance (up to 182 days, I just checked) on the basis of your NI contributions regardless of what anyone else earns.

blue moon
15-01-11, 03:59
Sorry about your job lose Nicola.Pole dancing is good exercise,I am in 50's and do it,plus I do belly dancing(not a pretty sight).Hope you find job soon.
Petra x:flowers:

15-01-11, 12:39
:hugs:Nicola I'm so sorry. I have only just seen this thread. I hope things work out for you. EJ

15-01-11, 20:08
So sorry Nic; thinking of you :hugs:xx

15-01-11, 21:01
Nic, what awful news :hugs:. I hope you can get the benefits thing sorted. One step at a time..and I'm sure you'll get there. xxx:hugs:

15-01-11, 22:52
just wanted to send you some hugs nic

15-01-11, 22:58
I am so sorry to hear this news. If you dont know where to go to get advice start with citizens advice buereau and job centre.

Take your time to decide what you want to do. sounds like you have loads of experience so you should be able to get another job.

Please tc of yourself sending you ((((((((((((((((((((((hugs))))))))))))))))))

15-01-11, 23:50
Hi Nic
I am really sorry to hear the bad news about you being made redundant. I can imagine your emotions are everywhere.
It is a horrible feeling.
I hope you find another job, and one that is suited to the hours that you can do. You may even prefer it to the job you are leaving.
This site is good because it gives you all the information:
Regarding benefits, you can still claim Jobseekers Allowance, even though you live together, but how much you receive will be based on what your partners wage is.
If you apply for Employment Support Allowance, then regardless of what Alex's wage is, you will still receive it, as it is not means tested, and is just for you yourself, being ill and unable to work.
Hope everything works out for you, Nic.
Hugs :hugs:

16-01-11, 01:31
hope everthing works out well for you nicola .


16-01-11, 02:12
Hi Nic

So sorry to hear the news. I know what it's like, been there 4 times myself. I hope something good comes out of it.


16-01-11, 19:18
sorry nic ive only just seen this,

take some time to have a good old think, im sure someone of your intelligence will find a new job very soon, still feels like a kick in the no nads at the time thou eh, keep ya chin up mate, were all right behind you, have a stella or 2 on me

Emms xxxxxx

16-01-11, 20:48
Employment Support Allowance is an option - but claiming it is nigh on impossible - lol.

17-01-11, 16:32
so sorry to hear this Nic :hugs:

absolute shock and worry for you, dunno wat you did before but my gosh look what you have created here, i wonder what this could start for you, just the beginning!

you're an inspiration, be strong and when you can't be we're all here for the journey xxx

tracey c
17-01-11, 17:55
Sorry to hear this Nic - hang on in there, I'm sure there will be loads more opportunities for you x :hugs:

30-01-11, 00:26
I finished work yesterday - had some fantastic presents from the people at work and it was really touching

It feels weird that I no longer have the routine in my life of getting up, going to work, coming home etc etc.

I won't miss the job but I will miss the people so much - they have been fantastic to me and I have some good friends for life there.

Not sure what I am going to do now. I have plans to decorate a few rooms in the house so that will keep me busy and active for a few weeks/months.

I guess I need to "sign on" next week as well to get my NI contributions paid so need to sort that out.

Thanks for all the support anyway - it is much appreciated.

30-01-11, 00:33
It's really strange at first when you lose the routine Nic but doing some decorating is a great idea. I've just got back to doing a bit off and on after CFS stopped me for a few years and it can be really satisfying.

Just to say again on benefits - if you have been paying NI I'm almost certain you will be able to receive contributions-based Jobseekers Allowance for up to six months. It's not a huge amount of money but take it while it's there.

You never know what might turn up though. I started getting a day's work a week pretty soon after I was paid off, that turned into two and then built into a fairly steady (if precarious) three. It's not ideal but I'm not really fit for full-time work so it hasn't turned out too badly. Take care x

30-01-11, 00:46
Thanks Jane

It hasn't really sunk in yet but I am also kind of excited that the world is my oyster now.

I won't work full time again cos of the Crohn's and the heart attack but I am going to try and go to more cardiac exercise classes and get fit and healthy again at least.

I am very independant and running NMP costs over £60 a month and although Alex has offered to pay this for me I want to be able to do it myself so may need to ask for some donations soon but we are ok for now. I hate asking people to donate as I know that none of us are rich lol

I just need to work out now what I REALLY want to do with my life.

30-01-11, 11:44
Nic, take some time to think about your future. You need to come to terms with what has happened and in my experience things have a habit of working themselves out.

Could you Temp for a bit - I have always enjoyed temping and certainly here there is a lot of part time temp work around.

What ever you decide try and enjoy the new chapter in your life - it may be weird at first by you and your health is the most important thing ever.

big hugs xxx

30-01-11, 14:49
Hi Nicola, I'm sure the jobs you intend to do now that you are at home will keep you busy--but remember not to over do it.A bit at a time please.XXX:flowers:

Veronica H
30-01-11, 14:53
:bighug1::bighug1::bighug1:So sorry to hear this. I hope when you have come throught the shock, that you will find a better opportunity waiting out there Nic.


03-02-11, 01:57
Glad that you are doing positive things with your life. I don't know what to do with my life and I am trying to find voluntary work, and it's not very easy to do. I am looking for something to do with my life, and I hate staying at home a lot.

Glad that you are taking positive steps with your life - decorating your house and trying to do something every day - I am trying to do this. But I sometimes feel bored - but I know I will get there.

Starry xx

12-09-19, 15:54
I'm currently in the middle of a Redundancy exercise at work.
It's about 12% chance that i'll be out on my ar5e after this concludes.
However I'm 55 and I'm trying to get my head around VR and maybe retirement or working part time between 55 & 60.
I currently work a 4 day week having come down from 5 days on 1st June 2019.

I'm interested in advice on getting a job when you are older?
Whats the jobseekers situation with VR?
How did people find navigating Mental Health once retired?
Anything really I guess.

I work in IT as a Scrum Master on Agile Projects.
I was an Oracle Developer until about 11 years ago.
32 years at my Company.

12-09-19, 21:19
I'm so sorry you have this worry but I presume no decision has been made yet but you are sensibly planning for possible redundancy?

You have skills which are very much in demand so would you consider doing any contract work or put yourself forward on a consultancy basis?

I would imagine that for good mental health you would prefer to be in employment for as long as possible?

18-09-19, 03:22
Sorry to hear this, Tony.

As an IT pro are you thinking of part time consultancy work? You could then work project to project but it may be self employed/contractor basis so there the obvious pension considerations and you would have to be cautious with your mental health as some employers might not want what they see as an inconvenience to them (you know how many a manager just wants an easy ride).

You've got some in demand skills there. Agile was becoming more popular as I left project/programme work (PRINCE had added it to a version of theirs). To be honest, PRINCE environments are overbearing with often pointless paperwork delays and I've never known a project manager who follows it closely. I was more a continuous improvement guy so more Six Sigma. I liked Agile as it was more about getting the job done compared to what I watched in project offices with PRINCE which just strung everything out as our CI projects used to outpace them.

Have you got any access to careers guidance for your sector so you have a better idea of what may be out there?

20-09-19, 19:48
Thanks for the advice.
In the end I have opted for retirement.
I think I have the funds to do that after soul searching.


I haven't ruled out IT contracting if I need to.

21-09-19, 00:26
I’m sorry you’ve had to go through this, you have a great attitude about it though and have lots of options to pursue. Keep us updated with how you get on