View Full Version : Starting Mirtazapine tonight.

14-01-11, 18:34
Im starting Mirtazapine tonight 15mg,im currently on Duloxetine but thats getting fazed out for a week..anyone on/has been on Mirtazapine who can tell me what to expect? thanks .

14-01-11, 18:52
Hi Sandy,

I have been taking mirtazipine since February of last year....started on 15mg then up to 30mg after around 6 weeks then last August reduced back to 15mg again and hope to wean myself off soon.

You can expect to sleep really well, and have very vivid dreams.....you may also feel very drowsy the next day (even to the extent of feeling drunk), this will pass after a few days when your body adjusts to the new meds. The main think to be careful of is the weight gain as this is nutorious with mirtazipine and not many avoid this but it can be controlled with a sensible diet etc.

Hope the transition goes smoothly for you. Did the duloxetine not work very well for you?

Read through the mirtazipine threads and it should help you.

Take care

Carly Lou
14-01-11, 18:54
Youll be fine sandy xxx
remember what i said to you about Mirt.... youll feel sleepy.... listen to Jos advice.... Jo has helped so much when i first started Mirtazapine xxx xxx
let me know how you get on xxx

Carls xxx

14-01-11, 19:04
Thanks you two,my psychiatrist thought my Duloxetine wasnt working as id been on it for 18mths or so and im having a very tough time at the moment,so she changed me over to Mirtazapine plus ive still to take my Pregabalin..well i think i have,will have to check.Heres goes tonight then..would yous say to take it actually as i head to bed or a hour or so before hand? x

14-01-11, 19:07
for me i remember really feeling the drowsyness and sleeping well, i even slept in which before was unheard of. i soon got used to the effects - within a week i think. i settled down on the meds really quite well. i remember the nerves i had when i first started on mirt, but now i'm over all that i'm really glad i did it. i hope it all goes well for you.

anx mum
14-01-11, 19:24
Im starting Mirtazapine tonight 15mg,im currently on Duloxetine but thats getting fazed out for a week..anyone on/has been on Mirtazapine who can tell me what to expect? thanks .

Im on this too been on this bout 3 weeks hasent really made a difference yet. How have u been had awful day today.

Carly Lou
14-01-11, 19:28
yes i take mine a hour before i go to bed.... so abt 9ish.... ive been fine on them, had a few ups and downs, but nothing i cant deal with, im only on a very low does tho, 15mg for about 10 weeks now, and i have to say, it has made a huge difference as i cant tollerate ssri's they made me ver sick, so mirtazapine has worked great as it is a snri xxx

14-01-11, 19:35
Thanks Carly,and Anx Mum ive not been coping at all..to the point of being offered to go into my local "mental hosp" yesterday.x

anx mum
14-01-11, 19:38
Thanks Carly,and Anx Mum ive not been coping at all..to the point of being offered to go into my local "mental hosp" yesterday.x

Im the same sandy had an awful day today wish i felt better pm anytime u on msn?

14-01-11, 19:41
Yes of course..are you on Facebook?