View Full Version : tight chest and back

14-01-11, 19:01
sorry does anyone else suffer realy badly with a tight chest and tight back? sorry struggling with it i can talk type etc so obviously its nothing serious buty how do i stop it?

14-01-11, 19:12
Yup I do and at the moment mine is so bad all the muscles hurt and it actually hurts to put any pressure on my back/sides!!!! Every time I twist or bend my ribs really hurt and my back muscles feel so tight I struggle to sit comfortably. It is definately a result of anxiety and tension. If you draw a triangle from the top of your head downwards you will probably find that is where the worse of the pain/tightness is...............it is known as the emotional traingle!!!!

Hope it eases soon. I find a nice glass of wine and a warm bath helps...........until the next morning!!!!

14-01-11, 19:27
thank you hun that helped allthough didnt check in time and had a panic attack the pain is still there now cant cope with it at all

14-01-11, 19:36
i get spasms in my back and chest,,which is worse when im stressed,,ive tried pain killers but nothing because its emotional,,i just sit it out,,sorry i dont have any sage words of wisdom,,just pray you dont get your ibs playing up the two dont really mix :D

Frozen in fear
14-01-11, 19:51
Chest pain is a Problem but cbt has. Helped me

14-01-11, 21:44
yeh i get it i use inrofen gel or warm baths and hot water bottles x

15-01-11, 11:15
thank you for all your help its still frightenening me but trying to stay relaxxed been tense all week so i no tahts why im in pain having a day feeling calm so i can get rid of the pain and crack on..

frozen in fear ive just started cbt ive had 4 sessions how are you finding them
im finding them good but getting worse at minute opened o9ld wounds and wisgh they had kept them buried to be honest xx

15-01-11, 11:21
had my 6th ecg yesterday as result of tight chest all clear again but feels like a heart attack hate keep going to the doctors but they have been very good on 9th session of cbt has not yet helped.

15-01-11, 11:41
how long is your cbt course.
mine had helped untill i got the flu and chesty cough hence the pain and the tension.
my therapist says im ahead of schedule and can take it all in well and talk my self out of panic attacks BUT y am stil;l panicing then lol

hope you get better soon xx