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27-03-06, 08:18
Yet again i enter another week thinking i'm going to die. Haven't slept well (but then agin i ain't slept a full night for the last 5 weeks).

Today it feels like i have pressure building up in my stomach (well just the top)keep thinking that this is going to effect my heart (stupid i know). I also keep getting really upset at times, frequent crying (doctors have diagnosed me with depression). Fell like i can't breath properley, feels tight and forced (i know i can, by the fact i haven't collapsed). Feel like my face is going to explode as well got what seems like a build of pressure there aswell and to cap it all off i have chest pains aswell (had these for nearly 3 months - think something would have happend by now) I have had loads of tests at the docs everything is fine, yet i can't stop thinking like i do. Just feel like i'm sending myself insane, like there is no way to stop feeling how i do, no matter what anyone says i still keep thinking the same way.

I have an appointment with the psychiatric nurse on Friday, so hopefully that will help.

NEVER JUDGE AN ANXIOUS PERSON BECAUSE YOU NEVER KNOW ONE DAY YOU MAY WAKE UP WITH IT YOURSELF..... (Stolen from someone else, can't remember who, but i'm sorry - i just liked it)"

27-03-06, 09:15

I just wanted to reply to you and say i know how you feel
I cant stop crying(my husband is losing patience with me and i dont blame him)
I cant breathe properly either and my chest feels really sore because i feel like i am really straining to breathe properly
I cant eat anything and i have loads of pain on my left side and back

I also feel really spaced out and as if im going mad

You WILL feel better,i promise you and im sure you will find the psychiatric nurse to be very helpful indeed
Dont ever feel that you are on your own
Hunny xx

27-03-06, 09:40
Hi Greg and Hunny

I know how u both feeling

My anxiety has been so bad lately and since thursday have had such pain in my back and chest due to tension. Of course at the time i dont think like that and think im gonna have a heart attack at any minute.

I have had 5 hours sleep in past 2 days, i feel constantly sick, light headed and spaced out.

My new symptom this morning is stomach pains that feel like iv been kicked in it.

Iv just had enough of it. This anxiety has completely taken over, im at work but cant concentrate.

I have the doctors tonight, but what he he possibly do for someone with anxiety. I hate this feel i have that something serious is wrong with me.

love mandie x

27-03-06, 10:07
Well, i have just made myself worse, i was reading the newspaper to keep myself occupied (yes i'm at work, but nothing to do) and i read this one page where they were talking about a 26 year old male who was fit and healthy, who had a heart attack. just when i was starting to feel abit better.

I'm sick of all this now, really fed up with how i'm thinking. Really had enough. I spend most of my time sitting here waiting for something bad to happen. This all i do all the time. I'm all tense (probabley whats causing the pains).

Can't go on like this much longer.

NEVER JUDGE AN ANXIOUS PERSON BECAUSE YOU NEVER KNOW ONE DAY YOU MAY WAKE UP WITH IT YOURSELF..... (Stolen from someone else, can't remember who, but i'm sorry - i just liked it)"

27-03-06, 10:13
Greg that is exactly what i do.

I work in a doctors surgery, worse place for me now! I imagine i have all the conditions that the patients have.

If im watching tv and somebody has been diagnosed with something, i start imaging i have the same, then end up really panicky.

im so tense all the time that i permantly have back and chest pain.

im at work to, i do have work to do but i cant concentrate on anything but this anxiety

mandie x

Silly Blonde
27-03-06, 10:18
I'm the same Greg, sitting at work, trying to concentrate but its just not happening.

I know I feel better when I distract myself, but I fall into the same trap as you when reading the paper/magazines or watching the TV. My other half has banned me from watching Holby City and Casualty now!

Stick with it - I felt sick constantly for 3 months when this thing first started with me, I convinced myself I had every form of cancer! Now I only feel sick on and off - usually when I am having a bad time at work etc. If it was something serious, it wouldn't come and go.

Everyone gets aches and pains and niggles - its just that we focus on them, and so the circle begins and they get worse and worse.

Try and immerse yourself in your work - I'm going to try and do the same. I know I'm feeling worse and tired because we lost the hour yesterday.

Take care

SB xx