View Full Version : Ladies Question - worried

15-01-11, 10:31
Hi, I have normal periods up until now. Finished my period this month, the day finished I had sex with my fiancie. Next morning I noticed I was bleeding, bright red blood, small clots, this lasted a day and then turned to brown light bleeding. Also, I noticed my breasts were tender. Now a couple of days later I have slight like period pain and breasts still feel tender.

Really worried, really dont want to google.

Any ideas?


15-01-11, 10:32
Are you on any hormonal contraceptive, turnthelighton?

15-01-11, 10:34
Hello, no. The only medicine I take is prozac.

15-01-11, 16:48
Thanks for your reply, Im not sure either. My period was for about six days before it stopped. I will keep an eye on it and try not to worry. Thanks again.

15-01-11, 17:00
I think this might have a simple explaination. During sexual intercourse and orgasm our wombs contract and this would explain the further loss of blood and clots. Tender breasts are to do with hormones progesterone and oestrogen. They can hurt at any time of the month. If your periods are erratic then it might be an idea to talk to your GP. EJ.

15-01-11, 17:15
i get this! stay calm! the brown stuff is stained from the lining of the womb and the clots are the same youre having a "show" its like a wee reminder that your monthlys are still there. :)

15-01-11, 17:32
My periods come and go evrey month. I can think I have finished on day 6, then on day 8 I get another little gush of red blood and gunk. It is just normal, and sex/orgasm can make the uterus contract, so there could have been a bit more up there that needed to come out.

If you've not had any since I would think what I have just said would be what has happened. Totally normal, try not to worry xxxx

15-01-11, 17:43
i got this once to x
had my period for 5 days then suddenly two days later i was bleeding slightly again

15-01-11, 19:06
me too lol.
I had my period for a few days and it stopped and then i got it again for like a day with a;; the symptoms you described.

17-01-11, 22:43
Thanks for all your replies, I feel so much better in myself today and the bleeding has almost stopped :-)

17-01-11, 22:47
I agree with all of the above, sounds normal stuff to me. I think when your period finished and you had sex you weren't quite finished. Don't worry, if you do go to the doctor.