View Full Version : Help! I can't stop worrying

15-01-11, 11:41
Last night was a terrible night for me, I've been having some really strange symptoms of late, achy joints, dizziness and I've had a cold too.
But last night I had a new scary symptom, I woke at about 5am this morning and for some reason I instantly checked my pulse, only to find that it was beating normally until it seemed to skip a beat, like it just stopped working for a beat, and then I felt all flustered for a second, and then I kept checking it for a few more seconds and it did it again.
This induced the beginning of a panic attack, I was terrified. I managed to control the panic, but I was to scared to go back to sleep after this missed beats thing. I have felt the flustered feeling several times recently, but I have never actually been taking my pulse when I've felt it. Now I'm terrified that I have a heart problem.
I am really genuinely scared, yesterday I was already convinced I'd had a stroke recently, and now I'm even more scared.
What do I do? Any advice would be great.

15-01-11, 12:25
I do this with my heartbeat. It's scary every time but now i tell myself that its happened before and im still here. I also have had 6 strokes since Monday lol.

Chill out, stop doing it and if you still worry so much then talk to your GP. I did and he looked at me like i had horns lol.

Hope you feel better soon

K xxxx

15-01-11, 13:07
Thanks for the response, that's what I needed.
Just need to stop thinking the worst. I keep feeling twinges in my chest area but I'm pretty sure it's my imagination

anx mum
15-01-11, 13:55
Last night was a terrible night for me, I've been having some really strange symptoms of late, achy joints, dizziness and I've had a cold too.
But last night I had a new scary symptom, I woke at about 5am this morning and for some reason I instantly checked my pulse, only to find that it was beating normally until it seemed to skip a beat, like it just stopped working for a beat, and then I felt all flustered for a second, and then I kept checking it for a few more seconds and it did it again.
This induced the beginning of a panic attack, I was terrified. I managed to control the panic, but I was to scared to go back to sleep after this missed beats thing. I have felt the flustered feeling several times recently, but I have never actually been taking my pulse when I've felt it. Now I'm terrified that I have a heart problem.
I am really genuinely scared, yesterday I was already convinced I'd had a stroke recently, and now I'm even more scared.
What do I do? Any advice would be great.

Hi hun how u feeling now? Really feel for u im exactlythe same at the moment had ache pain in chest yesterday worked myself up so much then had pain in arm was convinced it was my heart doc said not it was like i never believed him. Now i am very aware of my heart beating fast

15-01-11, 14:05
Hi, I'm not physically feeling to bad, got a bit of joint pain still, and I'm really conscious of a twinge I keep getting in my left chest area, but I think it might be muscular.
My main problem is my negative thinking, I'm trying to not follow the urge I keep getting to check my pulse.
Hope you can overcome your negative thinking too

15-01-11, 19:15
ok, the missed beats are back.

now quite stressed about it all, i have not long eaten my dinner, and felt the same thing as last night. I have been thinking about it a lot today tho to be fair.

I am assuming that even tho they have returned i am still to believe that this is anxiety.

16-01-11, 02:48
i get this problem all the time, i just try to relax and breath deeply it seems to go away but it dose come back. i went to my GP other month and he prescrbed me beta blockers, they did have some effect but i trained my self to not need them.

my advice would be to try and relax and think of something else, and say to your self " stop it, its nothing"

16-01-11, 10:43
Ventricular ectopics occur when your heart throws in an extra beat. When you feel your pulse at the wrist, it is regular, then suddenly a beat is completely missed. If you feel the pulse over the heart (or listen to the heart) you feel a regular pulse, then an early, perhaps weak, beat then a pause before the next beat. Once felt, never forgotten! These are a very common problems often caused by excessive caffeine, anxiety/panic, allergies etc etc.
Most GP's are not concerned at all about these if you have an otherwise healthy heart - very, very common. We feel them more when we are anxious/panicky because we are aware of every bodily function !!