View Full Version : Acupuncture?????

Silly Blonde
27-03-06, 12:11
Has anyone tried this??

I really can't seem to shake my IBS (probably not helped by the fact that I haven't exercised for 18 months and I've started smoking again - I know in the past that my IBS disappeared when I was exercising regularly and when I stopped smoking!!!)

I've tried aromatherapy, acido-whatsit capules, peppermint tea, colpermin capsules, but STILL I have guts ache on a daily basis, coupled with intermittent back ache and heartburn.

When I am symptom-free I am soooooo happy, and I wondered whether acupuncture would help in anyway.

27-03-06, 12:31

I have had acupuncture. It helped me I'm sure.

However, for me I think it worked also on a reassurance level as the acupuncturist would check me over each time, looking at my tongue and feeling loads of pulse points then she would do a blood pressure test.

It's not something that necessarily has overnight results. You may need quite a few sessions so this needs bearing in mind as you will end up spending a couple of hundred quid quite easily. Still, if it works and you can afford it, then it's worth it I reckon. You can get it on the NHS now.
Make sure you choose somebody who is registed with the British Council Of Acupuncturists

If the exercise and not smoking worked before then why not do this again? The acupuncturist would suggest this anyway, I'm sure.

All the best,
Trev :D

27-03-06, 14:43
anythings worth a try, personally i found it no help but perhaps i was not in the right frame of mind at the time

hope it helps if you try it

27-03-06, 19:35
Hi Silly Blonde

I've had acupuncture for anxiety and found it very beneficial. I also have problems with my wrists and am planning to try acupuncture for this at some point.

I would say it is definitely worth a go.

Have you read the information about IBS here (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/default.asp?t=cms&c=ibs).


Happiness is not a state to arrive at but a manner of travelling.

You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough ~ Christine Cagney, Cagney & Lacey

28-03-06, 16:21
Hi, I've had lots of acupuncture and it really helped. As well as the treatment itself helping, I found it a fantastic way to relax and I found the acupuncturist had considerably more time for me than my overworked GP (he is really nice though)! Try to get it on the NHS as it isn't cheap...

You've nothing to lose by trying it. I would also try yoga but with a traditional teacher rather than in a gym - this will help you relax and undoubtedly help your backache if nothing else!

Good luck!

Silly Blonde
29-03-06, 11:20
Thank you all for your kind messages.

I tried acupuncture on Monday evening at one of those Chinese herbal "outlets". They also gave me some nasty looking herbs that I am supposed to boil into a tea, but haven't dared try them yet. I am massively allergic to mushrooms and although they assured me that there are none in my "bags of herbs", there are lots of things in there that look suspiciously like mushrooms/funghi, so I'm going to give them a miss!

I enjoyed the acupuncture, but it did hurt a little more than I thought it would, maybe I wasn't relaxed enough - felt great afterwards and yesterday, but got guts ache again today and feel a bit washed out! And I am a bit concerned about these odd Chinese herbal shops!!

I have since found a registered acupuncturist in my area, and so I'm hoping to get an appointment early next week!

29-03-06, 12:10
I once tried acupuncture manymany years ago for lack of energy & it didn't help me one bit. But recently I have had really bad anxiety & just by chance saw a Chinese Medicine doctor who gave me acupuncte with Chinese medicine & in one session I felt 90% better!.
Having said that I also found homeopathy very very helpful.
In my opinion, just feel what is right for you, if you feel drawn to acupuncture than that might be right for you right now.
Another very important point, find a good acupuncturist, not just anyone.
The same applies to homepathy, I have heard that homepathy works for a lot of cases, & the times if it doesn't work it's time to change your homeopath![8D]

29-03-06, 12:13
I once tried acupuncture manymany years ago for lack of energy & it didn't help me one bit. But recently I have had really bad anxiety & just by chance saw a Chinese Medicine doctor who gave me acupuncte with Chinese medicine & in one session I felt 90% better!.
Having said that I also found homeopathy very very helpful.
In my opinion, just feel what is right for you, if you feel drawn to acupuncture than that might be right for you right now.
Another very important point, find a good acupuncturist, not just anyone.
The same applies to homepathy, I have heard that homepathy works for a lot of cases, & the times if it doesn't work it's time to change your homeopath![8D]