View Full Version : Today is a bad day... wonder if ilbe able to say 'good day' anytime soon?!

15-01-11, 17:53
Im really struggling today - im struggling with my symptoms and also struggling to convince myself it is just anxiety and nothing more serious...

Iv had a couple of bad anxiety days at work thurs/friday so i had nothing planned for today so i could have a lie-in and relax.... but its not really turned out like that...

Because i slept longer i woke up feeling more tired? Achy and heavy legs/arms and exhausted.... ??

I then thought id just try and chill out so havnt done much at all - watched tele etc but it made me feel worse.. my body felt so achy and tensed and i was struggling to relax..

I then rang the salon where i have my nails done to book in for a repair because i lost one yday and she said i could come within the hour so i got off the phone an immediately felt panicked... i felt awful but knew i had to have it done because she'd squeesed me in..

I went and it only took 15 minutes but my body was so incredibly tensed throughout and i came home feeling even more drained and achy...

Im now feeling hot but also cold?! My arms and hands feel soo cold to touch but i dont feel cold myself, abit warm.... My body feels so tense and like i just want to squeese every muscle in my body to tense it more...... nothings being released and calming down!!
I feel so tired and my head feels heavy and full... i just feel weird and not right at all!

Im now panicking because i have to give my mum and dad a lift later because they are going out - which means i have to go out and drive which will take about 45 minutes in total... and then im on my own for the evening - this isnt helping me calm down at all!

Im just so scared - i dont want to be ill, we've had quite a few bad illnesses in the past 4 weeks in our family - people having brain hemerages and ruptured anurysm's etc so im terrified incase im going to end up in hospital like them?!!

All over the news too is about people dying from Swine Flu who have no underlying health issues etc and its freeking me out! What if im coming down with that because of how achy and drained i feel??

I feel completely out of control because i cant stop it if im coming down with something and thats terrifying me...

Does what iv mentioned sound like anxiety???? I just need the reassurance xx

15-01-11, 18:35
Anxiety is such a crazy animal, you never know how it will manifest and there are no guarantees that it will take on the same guise day in and day out.

For the last several days, I've felt extremely fatigued. I know I'm not coming down with something and there is no other obvious reason for the sudden total lack of energy. All of a sudden, I woke up this morning and felt fairly energetic - not my old self exactly, but a reasonable facsimile. I felt strong and energetic enough to go grocery shopping and run a few errands, and get a couple things done around the house.

It's mid-afternoon now and I'm beginning to wind down a bit, but it isn't the deep-in-the-bone fatigue of the last few days, it's more how one feels when one has been active for several hours.

And - surprise surprise - my anxiety level is considerably lower than it has been in days.

Yes, there is every possibility that all the emotional and physical symptoms you are experiencing today is the anxiety expressing itself. In fact, based on what you've shared I will go as far as to say the chances of your distress being due to anxiety are much better than the chances that you are coming down with any bug or any other health issue.

15-01-11, 20:39
Sounds like anxiety to me Fairyclairy, as let's face it, it's pretty exhausting - or the roll-on effect from the lie in, which can sometimes make you feel more tired than refreshed (and I know a lot about this, as I like a good lie-in. It's all to do with your body clock).

I know you've felt bad all day - but actually I think you've had a good day and not given yourself credit for it. You went to the nail salon, right? (I know how you felt, I had a 3 hour hairdressing appointment on Thursday, and when the colourist had done half my head I suddenly got panicky and wanted to run out, but vanity kept me there - imagine having half your hair blonde and the other side mouse ;). By now I imagine you will have given your mum and dad that lift too. You felt crap, and that sucks, but you did the things you wanted to do.

Rest up tonight, watch something relaxing/funny. And don't beat yourself up.

Dahlia x

15-01-11, 20:56
Thank you for your replies :hugs:

Iv just got back from giving them a lift - i still feel pretty energyless but i feel abit better and more relaxed.
Im due on aswell so i think this has something to do with it because im walking around feeling like i could cry at any soppy song played or something on the tele :wacko: and i get like this before i come on...

Im hoping to stay fairly relaxed tonight and get a decent sleep - anxiety really does suck!!

However, i am trying hypnotherapy on Monday morning so im hoping itl make a difference xx