View Full Version : zig zag lines - vision

15-01-11, 23:29
I was sat here on my laptop tonight waiting for the nmp quiz to start and suddenly I could'nt see properly out of my right eye - then I noticed a small area of flickering in it. Anyway, it got worse until the whole area at the edge of my vision was bright zig zag flashing lines.
I did panick a bit as I had never had this before and I have suffered full blown migraines and anxiety for over 30 years.
Within half an hour, it had gone. I looked it up on here and the net and they are visual migraines descibed exactly as above.
I thought I had had just about every symptom caused by anxiety/panic etc - but I guess not - damned illness!!!!

macc noodle
15-01-11, 23:34
Hi Judipat

I get those when I wake up in the middle of the night feeling anxious - mine usually last 1-15 mins but when I am really bad I have to force myself back to bed - shut my eyes - and hope they go.

Anxiety lurks around the corner and never ceases to amaze with its many tricks!

Hope you ok now hun?


16-01-11, 02:17
Hi judipat

They are called opthalmic migraine, and they are not harmful although when you first get them..............god the panic!!

It's a temporary narrowing of the blood vessels to the eyes and I have had them for about 30 years! Got them other day when I was driving........geesh lol.

Please don't worry, not harmful at all.


16-01-11, 04:39
I had these a couple times when I was younger, usually before a migraine and being sick. This was years ago and I haven't had them since, so I can hopefully say it's nothing to worry about, hope your feeling better x

16-01-11, 05:26
I thought i was the only person who had this problem, i get this for about 15min then it will go, then all of a sudden bang bang bang migrain will start. that has always been my telltail sign

16-01-11, 09:31
Thanks to all for your replies. Very reassurring to know I'm not going to have a stroke, brain tumor etc etc - lol
It did'nt develop into a full blown migraine - thank God!
Take care
Judi xxxxxxx

16-01-11, 11:16
Yes Els is right. I often get them at work. I work as a programmer so am unable to do anything till it finishes off its jiggy:yahoo::yahoo: routine and then take a paracetemol. It always finishes off with a dull headache.

I too was worried initally, but now I just sit there for 15-30 mis . No harm done

16-01-11, 11:27
Same as Ash - the first time this happened to me I was really freaked, then through NMP I was reassured it was occular migraine. Second time, I just sat calmly and waited for it to go away x

16-01-11, 17:10
Me too, a regular occurrence ,usually lasts about twenty minutes. It's just an optical migraine and nothing to worry about.It seems to happen to me when I expose my eyes to a sudden change in light intensity

Frozen in fear
16-01-11, 19:43
This is migraines not very nice to have

17-01-11, 01:43
I was sat here on my laptop tonight waiting for the nmp quiz to start and suddenly I could'nt see properly out of my right eye - then I noticed a small area of flickering in it. Anyway, it got worse until the whole area at the edge of my vision was bright zig zag flashing lines.
I did panick a bit as I had never had this before and I have suffered full blown migraines and anxiety for over 30 years.
Within half an hour, it had gone. I looked it up on here and the net and they are visual migraines descibed exactly as above.
I thought I had had just about every symptom caused by anxiety/panic etc - but I guess not - damned illness!!!!

I've gotten them twice. I called the eye doctor and they told me it's optical migraines. The last bought I was assisting a training class at work (I used to be the trainer) and we were looking at a slide when I noticed some of the words started to disappear. Then out of the corner of my right eye I saw the flashing colored zig zags. Since I had recognized that from another time I called the eye doctor and described it. The only difference for me is that I never got the headaches that followed.

10-10-13, 18:56
when you see these zig zag lines, do you feel different? This has occurred at least one every week and I believe I am causing myself to have a anxiety attack because I do not understand what is going on. I have never had an anxiety attack so I am not sure that is what I am having.

10-10-13, 19:55
I've had a few and mine are hormonal. Though the last one I had seemed to be triggered by looking up at a light for some bizzare reason. 20 minutes job done and back in with life again. Though last time I was really thirsty afterwards.

10-10-13, 22:32
I've had exactly what u describe

11-10-13, 04:14
Yes, it's a mindgrain. Nothing to worry about at all, I've had mine since I was 8 years old and when I was 8 I panicked so much as a child I thought I was going blind!! Maybe that was the start of my HA? Umm, anyways I get them all the time sometimes 5-6 times a day, I never worry about them at all, I just say oh crap I'm getting a mindgrain but don't get the headache part anymore not since I was younger. I'm 32 now I'm a senoir in them! Lol! I hope you feel better soon, they are not fun, but bearable and not harmful!

Tilly Flop
15-10-13, 13:42
I've had these for years but knew they were down to migraine and never worried about them, but lately, I'd say over the past few months, I seem to be getting them more often, mostly with the accompanying headache but not always. In the past month I've had it three times, once with a really grotty headache and the other twice just with a dull grumbly one. I'm getting concerned that its getting more frequent but wonder if it could be age / perimenopause related (I'm 45) or even whether being more aware of it is making me anxious and that's making it worse. Does anyone else get them really regularly?

22-12-13, 18:27
This is migraines not very nice to have

Hiya :-) I'm having one right now! Had them since I was 16 now I'm 33, I still panic sometimes although knowing I've had them so long reassures me too! I wAs sitting with no lights on switched the tv on and was searching through the listings and it started! Hate it! Xx your not alone xxx

22-12-13, 23:44
Hi, I've had a couple of these only over the past year or so and boy was I scared. Last about 20 mins max and worsen before clearing up. Feel very distant afterwards and maybe the day after. Havent had one for a couple of months though. Glad its not just me :)
Bec x