View Full Version : Help feeling terrifed

anx mum
16-01-11, 11:36
Plz help feel like im going crazy wokeup this morning and already feeling anxious, terrifed feel like i cant breath theres no air last night didnt sleep cos had ache in chest and pain in left arm was worried of a heart attack. This morning my hubby home feel like i wanna run to hospital cos so scared of symptoms:weep:.

16-01-11, 11:53
Hi 'anx',

I'm not sure that there's anything practical I can to help, but just to let you know that you're OK (you know this anyway!) and not alone - we're all here and with you in spirit. I thought I was doing OK but have had a really bad couple of days, and it helps to know that people are here going through the same and especially have made it through.

Like you I'm not on my own this morning - it's really good that your hubby's there and if you can distract him from whatever he's doing get him sitting on the sofa with you and cuddle up. If you can rest your head on his shoulder or chest listen to the sound of his breathing and breath along with him - if it helps get him to do the whole 'in......and out' instructions to guide you.

You know perfectly well you're not having a heart attack (again you'd know if you were) - it's just a message from your mind, asking for attention if you like (a mild twinge just wouldn't get your attention!). You're fine, really fine - you just need to tell your mind it's OK. One thing we're good at is focusing on all the little 'messages' from our bodies, so it helps if we 'talk' back - close your eyes (sitting helps ward off the 'dizzys') and 'look' at each part of your body and visualise it doing exactly what it's supposed to. See it relaxed and calm and just happily ticking along. If it helps do a little 'progressive relaxation' - starting at your feet, tense your muscles, hold for a moment then release; then move to your calf muscles and so on up through your head and face, and back down to the tips of your fingers, visualising all your systems working happily and healthily along the way.

Hang on in there 'anx', you (we!) will get through this!! :D

anx mum
16-01-11, 11:58
Hi 'anx',

I'm not sure that there's anything practical I can to help, but just to let you know that you're OK (you know this anyway!) and not alone - we're all here and with you in spirit. I thought I was doing OK but have had a really bad couple of days, and it helps to know that people are here going through the same and especially have made it through.

Like you I'm not on my own this morning - it's really good that your hubby's there and if you can distract him from whatever he's doing get him sitting on the sofa with you and cuddle up. If you can rest your head on his shoulder or chest listen to the sound of his breathing and breath along with him - if it helps get him to do the whole 'in......and out' instructions to guide you.

You know perfectly well you're not having a heart attack (again you'd know if you were) - it's just a message from your mind, asking for attention if you like (a mild twinge just wouldn't get your attention!). You're fine, really fine - you just need to tell your mind it's OK. One thing we're good at is focusing on all the little 'messages' from our bodies, so it helps if we 'talk' back - close your eyes (sitting helps ward off the 'dizzys') and 'look' at each part of your body and visualise it doing exactly what it's supposed to. See it relaxed and calm and just happily ticking along. If it helps do a little 'progressive relaxation' - starting at your feet, tense your muscles, hold for a moment then release; then move to your calf muscles and so on up through your head and face, and back down to the tips of your fingers, visualising all your systems working happily and healthily along the way.

Hang on in there 'anx', you (we!) will get through this!! :D

thanx hun dunno whats wrong with me cant cope with feeling like this anymore.