View Full Version : Bit low and steps to better myself

16-01-11, 13:05
Hi all

Im on here to share my troubles and hopefully someobody will find something they can take comfort from and to help them

Lately i have been feeling a bit down and much more of a quitter side has been coming out alot of the time i put on a positive front and look for positives which is great but i think whats happened after my period of depression years ago i have hit a wall and was really just papering over alot of the cracks il talk about a few concerns thats on my mind and hopefully can get proactive :)

Flaws - motivation

Alot of mornings i wake up at 11am my head just feels mushy and most of the time il just hide away in my bed or bedroom i usually sleep over 8 hours sometimes wake up and sleep again im getting to use to staying in my room and not venturing out as i feel comfy and not alot on outside is interesting me
to go out i always leave things to last minute and generally i have become more lazy.

Flaws - studying and learning

I would like to study more or learn something but i never remember anything
i have sat college courses and cant write for 5 minutes for what i have learned from them even straight after a class,its the same reading anything i read all the information gets forgotten and when someone tells me instructions i forget or have to be told repeatedly to make sure i concentrate real hard on the words but eventually they leave my mind or i question myself
my mind can wander easily aswell and even when im having fun i get a element of boredom after a while That make me feel so ashamed and silly at times i wonder if theres something a illness or disabillity underneath i would like to achieve more in work life a self employment i enjoy my other job at moment but would like my own project in a way i dont feel intelligent and im just stupid i dont call myself stupid or run myself down about it i just feel it

Flaws - parenting

I am a good dad but what i seem to lack is common sense what a child should and shouldn't behaviour wise unless its blatant obvious, im good at playing the games playing the jokes but i dont have that direction of whats right and whats wrong i love my daughter very much

Flaws - confrontation

Luckily for me i get on with alot of people and theres nothing i come accross i have to debate but when there has been cases i just freeze or feel emotional i hate loud noises and when theres shouting im startled and freeze even a debate can make me feel emotional or when in prescene of arguing critiscms effect me what worrys me is i have a great girlfriend now and im scared a incident happens with her or her kids around and i dont want to look weak or not be able to stick up for them critism i find hard to shake and over past few years some people have did the cruel things that made me lose faith in people
and i was unlucky to meet a majority of the minority of ignorant people

Plan of action -

so far im trying simple changes going to try omega 3 in my diet and try eat fruit for breakfast and more water

i am going to take part in a half marathon and so maybe that will give me motivation to go get fit and give me more energy

id be interested in anyones experiences or tips or even what they observe in me

thank you :)

16-01-11, 14:51
sounds just like me! No right or wrong answer on being a parent - that's the difficult one. Good luck with the marathon and enjoy being a dad xx